The Amazing Spider-Man movie universe just keeps getting bigger. With Spider-Man having one of the best supporting casts in comic books, Sony Pictures seems intent on teasing every possible Spider-Man character for Amazing Spider-Man 2.In a new article on The Daily Bugle Tumblr, which is an official viral site for Amazing Spider-Man 2, there is a mention made of Thomas Fireheart, which is the identity of Puma. While Puma started out as a villain, he eventually became an ally of Spider-Man.Here’s the full article from The Daily Bugle Tumblr, which is titled “Casino Bucks Fund Lizard School Repairs” and is credited to Ned Leeds.”Smash the tail of a lizard, it grows back new. Smash a school with the tail of a lizard, it stays smashed. Until now, that is.An endowment to the New York City public schools system from Fireheart Industries will help pay for the repairs to the damage suffered by Midtown Science High as a result of Dr. Curt Connors’ rampage three months ago.Casino owner and businessman, Thomas Fireheart, presented the donation to the city school’s chancellor in an afternoon ceremony at the school. The gift of two million dollars will cover the entire estimated cost for repairs.Attending the event, senior student and co-captain of the school’s football and basketball varsity teams, Eugene ‘Flash’ Thompson said, ‘This place was a freaking mess after the Lizard smashed it up. But it would’ve been a lot worse if it wasn’t for Spider-Man.’”The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is set to be released in movie theaters on May 2, 2014.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Viral Site Teases Puma
The Amazing Spider-Man movie universe just keeps getting bigger. With Spider-Man having one of the […]