Suicide Squad Director Hired A Therapist In Case Cast Becomes Too Villainous

Director David Ayer has hired a therapist to council his Suicide Squad actor on set in case the [...]

Director David Ayer has hired a therapist to council his Suicide Squad actor on set in case the line between fantasy and reality starts to blur, E! News reports.

Adam Beach, the actor who plays Slipknot in the film, descibres the therapist as more of a "life coach" than a pshologist or psychiatrist.

"We kind of have like a therapist on board if you fall off the wagon and really are villainous," Beach said. "There's a friend of [Ayer's] that's very unique in making sure we have our ground…Us actors explore very fine thin lines going to the dark side and he wants to make sure we finish a movie and don't disappear somewhere and then don't show up for work."

The therapist might be needed as Joker actor Jared Leto has already sent ridiculous creepy gifts to his co-stars, including a live rat to Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn).

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