Theory: Do Thor And Jane Break Up By Avengers: Age Of Ultron?

Last night Chris Hemsworth, star of the upcoming mega blockbuster Avengers: Age of Ultron, hosted [...]


Last night Chris Hemsworth, star of the upcoming mega blockbuster Avengers: Age of Ultron, hosted SNL and had a Thor/Avengers-centric sketch, which we're sure you've seen by now.

There was something that stood out in the sketch though. Sure, it was funny to see Hemsworth be surfer dude Thor and more jovial in the role, but there was a line that caught our attention. 

"To my ex, Jane, how do you like me now?"

Interesting. Especially considering this scene from Thor: The Dark World.

This isn't the first time it's been rumored before, but is this more of a confirmation here? Did Jane move on, or did Thor? It seemed that he had decided to stay on Earth this time around. Or is it just a joke that we're possibly taking too seriously? It seems a bit odd for to have of all things mentioned be Jane's relationship, or lack thereof. 

Man, relationships are hard, amirite?