Power Rangers

The Green Ranger Takes A Donut Break On The Dragonzord In This Delightful Fan Art

You might think the Power Rangers would head straight home after a drawn out battle, but it turns […]

You might think the Power Rangers would head straight home after a drawn out battle, but it turns out that is not the case for the Green Ranger.

At least not in this delightful art from the talented Jonathan Torres. Torres decided to show what the Green Ranger does between saving the world (or terrorizing it depending on when you’re referring to) and chilling out at the community center, and it involves some coffee and a box of donuts.

Videos by ComicBook.com

Tommy sits perched atop the Dragonzord‘s shoulder, evidently commanding his powerful Zord to take him to the nearest Dunkin Donuts, though it would seem from the recent reboot the other Rangers all prefer Krispy Kremes.

You can view the full artwork below.

Jonathan Torres has a number of other slick pieces in his portfolio, including Thor: Ragnarok’s Hela, Stephen King’s IT, Deadpool 2’s Domino, Avengers: Infinity War’s Thanos, and more. You can find more of his work on Deviant Art and Facebook, and you should definitely give it a look.

The original Mighty Morphin Green Ranger was played by Jason David Frank, and at the time (and still to this day really), the character’s popularity was through the roof. That ended up backfiring a bit on Saban, especially after the Green Ranger arc ran its course.

“They said we have an issue, and I said what’s the issue?,” Frank told That Hashtag Show. “You lost your powers from the show, and kids around the world, parents, and everyone are calling and saying hey, my kid’s not going to eat, they’re not going to school.”

Unfortunately, the footage for Green Ranger’s Super Sentai predecessor was all used up, so a new solution had to be adopted.

“So Saban and FOX freaked out and brought me back on the show as the White Ranger,” said Frank. “It’s a true story, they had a petition around petitioning “we need to bring the Green Ranger back.”

The Green Ranger eventually did return to the series, but only for an anniversary episode as part of Power Rangers Super Megaforce. Brief as it was, it was still cool to see the Green Ranger back in action.