Power Rangers

‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’: The Pink Ranger’s Best Moments

Few Rangers in Power Rangers history are as beloved as the Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger, and we’ve […]

Few Rangers in Power Rangers history are as beloved as the Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger, and we’ve collected some of her best moments from the classic series.

Kimberly Hart is a fun loving gymnast who ends up becoming the Pink Power Ranger and is played in the show by actress Amy Jo Johnson. The character starts out as a rather stereotypical valley girl, but throughout the series, the character transforms into something much greater, a constant source of compassion and strength.

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She never failed to overcome a challenge, whether that involved keeping a plane from crashing, facing her own nightmares, or taking down a monster that scared the living daylights out of her. Regardless of the situation though she would show up with Power Bow in hand ready to fight, and that’s only one of the reasons we love her.

Johnson enjoyed her time as Kimberly, and even with newer projects finds that the Power Rangers fans still show up to support her.

“I found that most of the supporters on the [crowdfunding] campaign are 28, 29, 30, and they had grown up watching ‘Power Rangers,’” Johnson told Metro. “It’s really nice to have this built-in support system as I’m transitioning my career.”

While the character has shown up in other places, like Turbo: A Power Rangers movie or the current Go Go Power Rangers and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comics, we’re keeping this list just to the first three seasons of Mighty Morphin. To be fair, she’s had so many great moments in the comics that kind of deserves a whole other list, but for now, we’ll just keep it relegated to the show.

This list is also just applying to Kimberly. She ended up passing the torch to Katherine towards the end, but we’re just keeping this focused on Kimberly since she was the Pink Ranger for most of the show.

If you want to know more about the character you can check out our full guide right here!

With that said, hit the next slide to see some of the Pink Ranger’s best moments!

Terror Toad

Episode Title: Power Ranger Punks

Season 1 Episode 12

Wheneverย you need someone to take down a monster, you can always call Kimberly, and she presents that useful ability once more in Power Ranger Punks.

Babooย manages to slip a potion into Billy and Kimberly’s drinks, turning them into punk versions of themselves. They go on a bit of a bullying spree and are ultimately captured by the other Rangers and held at the command center until a cure can be found.

Unfortunately, Rita has sent the Terror Toad after Angel Grove in their absence, and it is wrecking havocย with the other Rangers. He manages to swallow the Yellow and Black Ranger’s whole, and soon he does the same to the Red Ranger.

Alpha 5 is able to cure Kimberly and Billy, but soon after the monster swallows the Blue Ranger, leaving the Pink Ranger to stand against him. She manages to find his weak spot though, shooting him in the throat with the Power Bow, releasing her friends in the process. She then launches an arrow right into his mouth, destroying Terror Toad completely.

Directed By: David Blyth

Written By: Mark Hoffmeier

Kimberly Flys A Plane

(Photo: Saban)

Episode Title: Foul Play In The Sky

Season 1 Episode 14

Some of Kimberly’s shining moments occurredย without her even using her powers, such as the time she kept a plane fromย crashing and saved the life of Bulk and Skull.

Kimberly ends up taking a fun flight with her Uncle Steve, though she doesn’t plan on Bulk and Skull going with them. They end up talking their way onboard though, but what they don’t know is that Rita has poisoned Steve’s drink with a sleeping potion, and he ends up knocked out in the pilot’s seat.

With Bulk and Skull constantly fainting, it’s up to Kimberly to guide the plane to a safe landing, as she can’t just teleport out since Steve, Bulk, and Skull would all die in the crash.

With the help of Alpha 5, she navigates the plane down safely, proving that she doesn’t need powers to be a hero.

Directed By: Shuki Levy

Written By: Shukiย Levy

Body Switch

Episode Title: Switching Places

Season 1 Episode 16

Rita Repulsaย wreaked havoc in the Rangers’ lives several times throughout the first season, but this incredibly memorable episode featured the Rangers messing with things without her help.

Billy asks Kimberly to check out his new invention, which is supposed to be able to read minds. She helps him test it out, but instead of just reading her mind they end up switching bodies, and hilarity ensues.

Becuase of their newfound situation Billy gets laughed out for not being able to apply makeup and blowing up a souffle in home economics class while Kimberly breaks a computer and fails to help a student that Billy is tutoring.

It’s the impersonations of each other that make thisย a great moment, as Kimberly does a great Billy, donning glasses and his speech and mannerisms.

Directed By: Jeff Reiner

Written By: Shuki Levy and Steve Kramer

Takes Out The Snizzard

Episode Title: Foul Play In The Sky

Season 1 Episode 14

You might recognize the episode from earlier, and that’s becauseย after her harrowing journey on a plane Kimberly ended up putting down a monster for good.

While Kimberly was struggling to get the plane down without crashing, the other Rangers were battling Rita’s latest creation Snizzard. Snizzardย has an appleย on his head that can reflectย attacks, rendering the Rangers’ Blade Blasters useless. Kimberly gives them the upper hand though later, using her Power Bow to shoot the apple down and take outย the monster once and for all.

In other words, don’t mess with the Pink Ranger.

Directed By: Shuki Levy

Written By: Shuki Levy

Kimberly Kisses Tommy

(Photo: Saban)

Episode Title: The Green Candle Pt. 2

Season 1 Episode 35

Now this entry is a bit different, as it doesn’t feature any crazy action or giant robots, but it is one that many Mighty Morphin fans were excited to see.

After the Green Candle burns down Tommy has to give up his powers to Jason so that Rita Repulsaย can’t get her hands on them. He does, and it seems Tommy’s days as a Ranger are over. The scene switches to Tommy practicing martial arts in the park as Kimberly approaches, and as they talk their fondness for each other is addressed, as Kimberly and Tommy kiss for the first time.

Directed By: Robert Hughes

Written By: Mark McKain, Stewart St. John, and Gary Glasberg

Being The Queen

Episode Title: Beauty and the Beast

Season 2 Episode 16

One of the more memorable moments in Power Rangers history is when Lord Zeddย attempted to make Kimberly his new Queen. While Goldarย and his cronies successfully capture Kimberly, the spell he places her under does not work as intended. Instead of removing her memories and changing her clothes into full Rita Repulsaย garb, it only changes her clothesย while her memories remain intact.

Kimberly has to keep up the charade though, so she puts on her best Rita Repulsaย impression (complete with staff) and acts the part until Billy and Triniย find her. If you type in Kimberly Rita Repulsa, you’ll come across many a GIF of this moment, and there’s a great reason why.

Directed By: John Stewart

Written By: Cheryl Saban

The Artistmole

Episode Title: A Brush With Destiny

Season 3 Episode 8

Zedd looks to take down the Rangers using their dreams and more specifically nightmares, and that includes a monster in Kimberly’s nightmare called the Artistmoleย (yep, that’s the name). The other Rangers and even Ninjorย end up falling to the monster, having their colors and powers drained.

It falls to Kimberly to save the day and the other Rangers, and she does so by facing her fears, fears that don’t really have anything to do with a monster but are more based around the fears of what’sย happening in her real life. After coming to terms with this she destroys the Artistmoleย once and for all.

Directed By: Terence H. Winkless

Written By: Gilles Wheeler

What Amy Jo’s Up To Now

(Photo: Saban)

Since the days of Power Rangers, Amy Jo Johnson has had quite the career, appearing in several television shows and recently making her directorial debut.

Johnson enjoyed long stints on shows like Felicity, The Division, Flashpoint, and Covert Affairs, though she would also reprise her role as Kimberly in the Power Rangers Turbo film. She would also cameo alongside Jason David Frank in the 2017 Power Rangers reboot, but 2017 also held her first stint in the director’s chair for her film The Space Between.

This year she’ll appearย in Between Waves, and in 2019 fans will see her in her new mini-series called The Has Been. She’s also working on a film titled Tammy’s Always Dying, which will film later this year.