Power Rangers

‘Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel’: ‘Reaching The Nexus’ Finale Review And Reactions

The Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel finale has finally aired, and while there’s still a Christmas […]

The Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel finale has finally aired, and while there’s still a Christmas episode to go the story of the season has been concluded, and Rangers and fans alike have plenty of thoughts.

We’ve got thoughts too, so before we get to everyone else here’s our two cents on the Reaching The Nexus.

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As discussed with last week’s episode, it’s immensely difficult to bring the series to a satisfying end when you essentially save all the big story beats for the final two episodes. Thing is this episode is much more fulfilling than the previous one, we only wish it had a bit more room to breathe.

The Rangers splitting up was a smart move plot-wise, as it shows them adapting to their circumstances sans a mentor (Mick is still under mind control) and allows the pace to quicken since we’re moving from Earth to the spaceship and back. There’s also thankfully no Megazord battle here, which some will dislike but for me was a breath of fresh air. I’m always in favor of more melee combat, as it puts the focus on the individual Rangers and their personalities have a chance to show.

One of my favorite sequences of the season happens in this episode when Sarah takes on all those Kudabots while Hayley goes to deactivate the satellite. The fight itself was fantastic, and her stalling them lent some tension and stakes to Hayley’s quest to stop the signal since Sarah couldn’t hold them off indefinitely. They also made her look strong here (to use a wrestling term) as it took like 6 to 8 people to overwhelm the Kudabots and take them down, and Sarah held them all off on her own.

Before we get to Hayley and Calvin, can we just say it was kind of hilarious hearing the very serious narration talk about Hayley and Calvin breaking up alongside Odius’ plan to save the universe? No, just me? Okay, whatevs.

The Calvin and Hayley encounter on the ship was quite well done as well from a stakes and emotion standpoint, though they kind of sidestepped one of the issues we had from last week’s argument that caused the breakup in the first place. Hayley had a right to be made that Calvin was forgetful and left her hanging in regards to what she needed for her performance, but here they only address his comments after her performance. Sure, that’s fine and dandy that you made up, but it does seem odd not to confront the actual root of the argument. Still, more about this worked for me then didn’t, so giving this a thumbs up here.

A spot that could have really used more time was definitely the Romero clan fight, which had a mind-controlled Dane attacking his sons. This was a fantastic premise and despite the time crunch came off well, but you also see the missed potential. It could’ve been even more effective and emotional if Dane had been onscreen more to make you care about him, but his sparse appearances kind of take away some of the encounter’s bite.

The final battle was actually perfectly fine for me, as it showed off some slick final attacks and the Rangers having to work as a team to take down Odius. Sure she could’ve had more time, but that’s like beating on a dead horse at this point, as everything could have used more time, but what was there was enjoyable.

The ending was pretty typical when compared to other Power Rangers finales, as the Rangers give up their powers and return to normal life, though seeing the Ninja Nexus Prism fly off was a nice twist on things, giving them an out if they ever want to have the Ninja Steel Rangers return for a reunion episode, as it could always just come back in times of need.

The Mick moment was a nice cherry on the sundae, and overall this cast just has a knack for raising ordinary material and making it shine. Was it the best finale ever? No, not nearly, but it was a fitting and entertaining goodbye to a group of Ranges that we grew to love, and I’m good with that.

Now it’s time to hear some other thoughts, starting with one of the Rangers themselves!

Smiling Gold

(Photo: Saban)

What better way to start this than with Jordiย Webber, Super Ninja Steel’s Gold Ranger. Webberย took to Instagram to share his thoughts on this wild ride and to thank the fans for helping it happen.

“What an amazing ride it has been!!! Today was the season finale of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel on Nickelodeon! That marks the end of the road for our awesome cast! 2 seasons full of good people and some good laughs.

Thank you for watching and following my journey on this show, it was my very first acting gig and It has been such an honour to be a part of the Power Rangers legacy. ??

To all of our fans…. you guys Rock!!!! And I hope you continue to treat the next generation with as much enthusiasm and love as you gave to us! We couldn’t have made that magic without ya.
And to everyone reading this post, be open to opportunities, and don’t be afraid to take risks…. they may just change your life ??
#powerrangers #hasbro #nickelodeon #superninjasteel #legacy #hashtagoverload #whyamistillhashtagging”

A Grateful Yellow Ranger

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

Next up is Nico Greetham, who plays Calvin the Yellow Ranger on Super Ninja Steel. Greethamย couldn’t be more grateful to the fans who have supportedย this team throughout the last two years.

“As the SERIES FINALE of Power Rangers is on today, I just want to express my infinite gratitude to all those who supported us throughout the process. Our cast put a lot of heart into what we were given and we appreciate all the heart you’ve all given us.”

Forever Gold

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

Webberย celebrated the finale by posting another behind the scenes photo of the Super Ninja Steel cast, with a final sign out from Levi Weston.

“Just having a moment ?
2 great seasons with an amazing cast, and we couldn’t ask for more supportive fans!
It’s been a good ride guys, and its been an honour wearing the gold spandex ??
Levi Weston signing out.
#forevergold #powerrangers #PowerRangersSuperNinjaSteel #leviweston”

Retired In Pink

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

Chrystiย Aneย also took to social media after the finale, sharing her new status as a retired Ranger. We’re sure plenty of fans, including us, will always see her as a Ranger though, regardless of the show ending.

“Officially a retired ranger.”

A Proud Fan

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

As the episode came to a close, fans expressed how proud they were of the cast for an action-packedย finale.

“Well it’s the end now. That was a good episode! Proud of you guys #powerrangers “

Bon Voyage Ninja Nexus Prism

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

Morphin Legacy’s ShadowRay22 likes how the Ninja Nexus Prism took the powers from the Rangers and flew off, presumably to gift those powers to some other team that would need them next.

“I actually like the idea of the Ninja Nexus Prism going from planet to planet to recruit a team to fight evil. #PowerRangers #SuperNinjaSteel”

A Few Thoughts

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

Kenneth Allen had several thoughts on the finale and the season overall, including wishing there was more of Odius’ new form.

“It was good, but I wished there was more. Odius’ new form was here then gone in almost 10 minutes when it should’ve took form in the last episode. Calvin & Hayley’s little relationship problem should’ve happened before the finale as well. #PRSNS #NinjaSteel #PowerRangers”

The father versus sons fight was also a bit lacking due to not getting enough development throughout the season.

“Don’t know why the rest of the Rangers didn’t have any character development. It just felt like they was just doing the job at hand which is good, but the fight with Levi and Brody’s father should’ve been where their development comes in. #PRSNS #NinjaSteel #PowerRangers”

Closing The Right Way

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

The finale was a perfect way to bring the season to its conclusion for Ryan C. Machen.

“The @PowerRangers #NinjaSteel finale was so great! A very good way to close out the past two years! #powerrangersninjasteel #prns @Chrysti_Aneย  @Dance10Nico @PeterSAdrian @jordilegit”

Sad For Cosmo

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view) Cosmo Royale met his end, and some are quite sad about that.


A And B Don’t Mix

(Photo: Nickelodeon)

For John Green, the back and forth between plots didn’t work.

“This episode was a clinic on how NOT to intermix an A story and a B story in a series finale. Every time the emotional stakes were getting high, they cut to the other story and killed all the momentum. #PowerRangers”