Power Rangers: Shattered Grid #1 features a host of fan-favorite Rangers, Zords, and villains, but it turns out there are a still a few characters writer Kyle Higgins would’ve liked more time with.
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Spoilers incoming for Power Rangers: Shattered Grid #1, so if you haven’t read it yet you can check out our spoiler-free review right here.
ComicBook.com had the chance to chat with Power Rangers writer Kyle Higgins about the big finale, and during that conversation we asked if despite the huge number of Rangers in the event and this issue in particular, if there was anyone in particular who he would’ve liked more time to focus on with unlimited page real estate.
“I would have loved to do more with Mystic Force and more with Jungle Fury, in particular, RJ,” Higgins said. “I think I’ve been on the record before talking about how much I really like that character, and unfortunately there just wasn’t enough space to really do everything that I would’ve liked to do with him.”
We’re also big Mystic Force fans, and while they do show up in the bigger scenes, we would always love to see more of them. The same goes for RJ, though he does get a bit of time in the sun in the finale.
When a book is of this scope, it inherently features a great deal of action, and sometimes that can be the hardest hurdle to overcome as far as page real estate goes.
“One of the real challenges with telling a story like this, in a printed medium, is while we don’t have a budget, and we don’t have the same types of limitations that live action has,” Higgins said. “In particular, you know, working with previous scene footage, and things like that. One of the things we do have to struggle with is page count and page real estate. And action sequences in particular just chew up page real estate. In a way that in live action, you can get through a bunch of different moments very, very quickly in an action sequence and really give everyone kind of a cool moment to shine. In comics you’re limited to like a panel or two, because you’ll just… you have to kind of show everything. You just end up blowing through page real estate.”
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“That was something we fought a lot as we put together both issue 30 and this finale One Shot,” Higgins said. “So I would say those characters as well as some kind of bigger action sequences, which as soon as Daniele reads this, he’s gonna probably fly straight to LA from Italy and just strangle me.”
Sooooo let’s just all agree not to tell Daniele, cool?
Power Rangers: Shattered Grid #1 is written by Kyle Higgins and drawn by Daniele Di Nicuolo and Diego Galindo, and you can find the official description of the anticipated issue below. You can also find our full interview with the team behind the event right here.
“It all comes to a conclusion in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid #1, the oversized finale to the epic comic book event from Higgins and Di Nicuolo that changes everything for the Power Rangers in ways no one ever expected. This issue features a main cover by Jamal Campbell, with variants covers by Chris Burnham (Batman Incorporated) and Christian Ward (Black Bolt).”
Power Rangers: Shattered Grid #1 is in comic stores right now.