Star Wars

The Mandalorian: Fans Have Mixed Feelings About The Armorer in Season 3 Episode 5


The fifth episode of Star Wars: The Mandalorian is now streaming on Disney+, and it featured a big change for the Children of the Watch. Warning: Spoilers Ahead! After the Mandalorians saved Nevarro from pirates, the High Magistrate Greef Karga (Carl Weathers) offered them a piece of land on the planet as a place to settle. After accepting the offer, The Armorer (Emily Swallow) speaks with Bo-Katan Kryze (Kattee Sackhoff) and instructs her to remove her helmet. Since Bo “walks in both worlds,” The Armorer believes she can bring different Mandalorian clans with different beliefs together. Of course, The Armorer previously kicked Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) out of the Children of the Watch for removing his helmet, and he had to wade into the Living Waters in order to be redeemed. Many fans have taken to Twitter today to express their frustration with The Armorer for treating Bo-Katan a lot better than Din.

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While some fans are focusing on The Armorer’s treatment of Din, others believe that she’s being more lenient towards Bo because they sense a romantic connection between the two Mandalorians. Naturally, this has led to some hilarious shipping tweets. While many fans are tweeting about The Armorer and Bo’s relationship, other folks are talking about how badass The Armorer was this week. While we usually only see the character forging weapons for other Mandalorians, she put her own hammer to use this week against the pirates and it was pretty epic.ย 

You can check out some of the tweets about The Armorer in the latest episode of The Mandalorian below…ย 

Can’t Deny^tfw

Tensions Are High^tfw

Are You Shipping Them?^tfw

Poor Din^tfw

She’s Cool, Though^tfw

Sound Logic, IMO^tfw


Bo Bias?^tfw

Pedro Pain^tfw

They’re Not Wrong^tfw

Let Her Fight More!^tfw

Mixed Feelings All Around^tfw

How do you feel about The Armorer? Do you think she treated Din unfairly? Are you shipping her with Bo-Katan? Tell us in the comments!ย