Star Wars

Star Wars Fans Celebrate Baby Yoda’s Return in The Book of Boba Fett


Baby Yoda is back and Star Wars fans are ecstatic about it. *Spoilers ahead for The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 6.* In the past few weeks, the show has turned into a cameo conveyor belt and that’s worked out great for viewers at home. During this week’s entry, The Mandalorian makes a trip to see his adopted son and Luke Skywalker out a fledgeling version of the Jedi Temple the legendary character is building. While Mando doesn’t get to see Grogu directly, he does get to deliver his gift that was made last week. Now, Baby Yoda has a bit of a choice on his hands. Will he follow in the footsteps of his Mandalorian caretaker, or choose the path of Master Luke as he seeks to rebuild the Jedi order. Numerous plates are spinning as we speed toward the finale. Look at some of the posts down below.

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Entertainment Tonight spoke with Pedro Pascal after Season 2 of The Mandalorian. He says that Baby Yoda’s secret name was available to him a little bit sooner than most.^tfw

 “I did know [before the episode],” Pascal explained. “at the start of season 2, when I got the scripts for season 2… For it to be as good as it is, they are well-prepared to start shooting. My favorite thing about it is how part of the creative process [I am]. I’m invited to at least observe the experience and contribute whatever will occur to me. So [creator and showrunner] Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, they get me the scripts before we get into shooting, so I know it all.”

How do you feel about Baby Yoda’s return? Let us know down in the comments!

Everything is better^tfw

Been a rough time^tfw

Cinematic Parallels^tfw

Live look:^tfw


A cause for celebration^tfw

You’re not wrong^tfw

Can you believe it?^tfw