Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett Rotten Tomatoes Score Is Out

Star Wars has officially returned after nearly a year without any tales from that galaxy far, far away with the new Disney+ series The Book of Boba Fett. Though the first episode of the series has only been live for about 12 hours as of this writing, several critics have already thrown their hats in the ring and given their two cents on what they thought, leading to a decent Rotten Tomatoes score for the show. Right now The Book of Boba Fett has 27 total reviews on the platform, with 23 fresh and just 4 rotten, giving it an average score of 85% on the TomatoMeter. This score puts it slightly below both season of The Mandalorian, which had a 93% rating for season one and a 94% for season two, but there's still time to get that number up.

Created for television once again by The Mandalorian's Jon Favreau, the series picks up from the post-credit scene that concluded the second season of that series and sees the fan-favorite bounty hunter take his place as a crime lord on Tatooine. Director Robert Rodriguez also returned to helm some episodes of the series, with Dave Filoni also returning to executive produce the series. Fans are well aware of Filoni's place in the Star Wars realm these days but the newcomers to the cast made clear what a help he was as a walking resource for all things Star Wars while they were on set.

"I had to be reminded of what that was and who they are and where they're from. Dave Filoni is just extraordinary. He's like a walking encyclopedia," series star Jennifer Beals shared with Variety about her lack of knowledge regarding the Twi'lek species. "Instead of relying on the internet -- which, you know, I don't know who the authors are of certain articles that I'm looking at -- I would go to the source. I would go to Dave, and we would talk about character and how is this person different perhaps than the lineage that's come before, and what has informed her experiences and then how does that change the way she looks or behaves -- or dresses for that matter."

Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett is slated to premiere new episodes on Disney+ every Wednesday. With seven total episodes, the season finale for the show is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, February 9th.