The Golden Bachelor Sets Wild ABC Record

The Golden Bachelor set some great records for Hulu and ABC.

ABC's got a massive hit on its hands with The Golden Bachelor. According to the network, the new show had the best unscripted series premiere ever on Hulu, and is the highest-rated unscripted series debut in TV since January of 2022. So, the people apparently like The Golden Bachelor. There's a lot to love with Gerry Turner and his quest for love. 11 million viewers tuned in for the ABC show between that debut date of September 28 and the re-airing on October 3. Across streaming, The Golden Bachelor managed to rake in 4.6 million viewers. Those are massive numbers for ABC and a sign that the Bachelor brand remains one of the strongest tentpoles in broadcast television.

The last time an ABC program sniffed those numbers was an episode of The Bachelor from February of 2021. Another strong performance happened in September of that year with Bachelor in Paradise. Now, with another spinoff under its belt, some observers are wondering if this is the way things will go for ABC. Is a Bachelor for every season even feasible? The network may try to figure that out. In the meantime, it can enjoy the media attention and fan speculation around Mr. Turner and his quest for love.

Is It Time For The Golden Bachelorette?

(Photo: ABC)

E! News spoke to host Jesse Palmer, and he said that he would definitely be down to host a Golden Bachelor spinoff series. Palmer said, "Absolutely. I really hope that's the case." While he has no power over green lighting a series, especially one as successful for ABC as The Bachelor. Still, it's hard not to look at those wild numbers from the initial outing and start looking for an older lady to charm America's hearts right now. Here's what else the quarterback and host had to say down below.

"I can't speak on behalf of executives or anybody else, obviously," Palmer told the outlet when asked about a 'Golden Bachelorette'. "I'm sure everyone's waiting to see how this one goes first. But I know there are thousands of women across America deserving of that."

Who is The Golden Bachelor?


THE GOLDEN BACHELOR – ABCs The Golden Bachelor stars Gerry Turner. (ABC/Brian Bowen Smith)

- Brian Bowen Smith)

Gerty Turner is your Golden Bachelor for this season. He's 71 years old and looking for love on primetime television. After tragically losing the love of his life, he's resolved to try and find that connection again. The Bachelor Happy Hour spoke to the reality TV hopeful about what he's looking for in a relationship.

"I would want someone that is in their own way, is fit. If they're tall or short -- those kinds of things don't matter," Turner told the Bachelor Happy Hour. "It's are they getting the most out of their physical attributes? Are they pushing themselves, are they refusing to give up?"

More than anything, Turner would also like opportunity to enjoy the entire process. He's likely never dreamed of all this attention. A lot of the people watching have already plugged into his story an are rooting for the Golden Bachelor's happiness. "I want to enjoy every moment," he explained. "I want to be able to make a mental note or write in a log book at night some of the high points of the day, and remember those moments. And if I can do that, it will be pretty fun."

Have you seen The Golden Bachelor? Let us know down in the comments!