She-Hulk Clip Reveals Wong's Hilarious LinkedIn Profile

Marvel's She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is summoning Sorcerer Supreme Wong (Benedict Wong) to the stand. Episode 2 of the Marvel Studios series, "Superhuman Law," saw hulk lawyer Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany) take the high-profile parole case of Emil Blonsky (Tim Roth): the Abomination. After making peace with her cousin, Bruce Banner/Smart Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), the seemingly reformed supervillain is serving his sentence in an ultra-high security prison. As a zen, haiku-writing inmate, the ex-Abomination abides by the rules — except when Wong, Sorcerer Supreme of the Mystic Arts, breaks Blonsky out of prison for paid cage matches in the Golden Dagger Club on the other side of the world (as seen in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings). 

In a new clip from Thursday's She-Hulk Episode 3, Jen confronts Blonsky after leaked footage showed the escaped Abomination in the underground fight club operated by Xu Xialing (Shang-Chi's Meng'er Zhang). Explaining the "extenuating circumstances" surrounding his apparent jailbreak, Blonsky tells his lawyer, "I was forced to leave my cell. I returned of my own free will." 

Representing the Superhuman Law Division of GLK and H, Jen grills her client for risking his chance at parole by committing another crime. "Who forced you to escape this insanely high-security prison undetected?" 

According to paralegal Nikki (Ginger Gonzaga): Wong. "Wong, just Wong," like Madonna, or Cher, or Beyoncé. Thumbing through his LinkedIn profile, Nikki's research reveals Wong's work history: a full-time Sorcerer Supreme, former full-time librarian for the Kamar-Taj temple in Nepal, and nine years as a full-time retail sales associate at Target. 

"[Benedict Wong] is so funny. He just showed up, very game for everything. He got it right away," She-Hulk head writer Jessica Gao told Collider about the Doctor Strange and Avengers star. "That's really the best you can hope for, when the actor comes in and they totally get that this is just for fun, and that this is their chance to take a break into comedy for a while. I call it a comedy vacation. They'll go back and be serious and save the world in the movies, but on our show, they get to just play around in our tone and have fun with it." 

In coming episodes of She-Hulk, accompanying Wong is Madisynn (Patty Guggenheim) — "Two n's, one y, but not where you think" — who is the opposite of the stoic sorcerer. 

"It was so fun, thinking about where this guy is, at in this point in his discovery of Western pop culture, and also just what Wong is doing in his downtime," Gao said. "And then, there's the juxtaposition of him with Madisynn, which is just so magical because he's a serious guy, and he's paired with this polar opposite, but also, their dynamic does work." 

Starring Tatiana Maslany as Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, Jameela Jamil as Titania, Ginger Gonzaga as Nikki Ramos, Josh Segarra as Augustus "Pug" Pugliese, Jon Bass as Todd, Renée Elise Goldsberry as Mallory Book, Tim Roth as the Abomination, and Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Smart Hulk, new episodes of Marvel Studios' She-Hulk: Attorney at Law are streaming Thursdays on Disney+. 
