Secret Invasion has some brand new Twitter hashtags ahead of the Marvel series’ debut on June 21. On the social media platform, you can find tags for longtime MCU characters like Nick Fury, Everett Ross, Maria Hill, and Rhodey. Talos is back from Captain Marvel along with G’iah, his daughter. Newcomers include Sonya Falsworth, a spy with a long history working across the pond from Fury and Gravik, who seems to believe Skrulls have a bone to pick with the humans. Secret Invasion has been one of the most anticipated titles on Disney+ because of the seeming grounded nature of this show. As it hovers closer than ever, the hype will only increase. Check out the hashtags down below for yourself.
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Last fall, Colbie Smulders sounded totally jazzed to be telling this story in an interview, “It looks so good,” the actress began, “and it’s a very different tone than I’ve seen [in the MCU]. I mean, having Sam [Jackson] in anything is just a thrill to watch, but I think it really sets his character up in a really interesting way that I’ve always wanted to see.”
“It’s the most depth I’ve been able to show of Maria Hill,” Smulders mused. “That’s the beauty of these series that Marvel is doing, you’re able to really get backstory of these characters. What are the conversations that happen when they’re just sitting around drinking coffee? It’s not like, ‘We’ve gotta get the bad guys! We’ve gotta get the thing! We’ve gotta save the world again!’ It’s like, ‘Let’s just have a chat, let’s go for a walk.’ We get to see those kinds of moments and be a bit more intimate with the characters.”
Secret Invasion Offers Different Look At Nick Fury
Here’s how Marvel Studios describes the series: “The MCU’s top superspy Nick Fury is back in Secret Invasion, the limited series premiering June 21st on Disney+. Samuel L. Jackson returns in the new Marvel Studios series, showcasing Fury’s attempt to get to the bottom of a Skrull invasion that goes all the way to the most powerful positions in various governments and organizations on the planet. In Secret Invasion, Fury teams with allies Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders), Everett Ross (Martin Freeman), and Talos (Ben Mendelsohn), while James Rhodes AKA War Machine will appear in a mysterious capacity. Other newcomers to the Marvel Cinematic Universe include Emilia Clarke, Olivia Colman, and Kingsley Ben-Adir.”
Are you excited for Secret Invasion? Let us know down in the comments!