Mayans M.C. Season 4 Episode 5 Recap: "Death of the Virgin"

The fifth episode of Mayans M.C. Season 4, "Death of the Virgin," begins in violent fashion. A couple of episodes ago, Adelita was seen stalking the man who had adopted the son that was taken from her. In this cold open, the man is shown with the baby, as well as his wife, who was one of the agents previously tasked with handling Adelita. She breaks into their house and kills both adoptive parents, taking her son with her before the opening credits roll.

Nails is trying to talk with Angel about potential names for their baby, but his mind is clearly somewhere else. We only get a short time with them before heading back to the church wall with Miguel. Tomas and Miguel talk and the boy tries to convince the former cartel leader that he's actually a good man. We see Tomas' father for the first time. Remember, that's the man the gang was at the gates looking for in the last episode.

Coco's girlfriend, Hope, clocks in late to work, it's clear she's been going through it and we can gather Coco hasn't been around. A baby can be heard crying somewhere else in the store and it seems like Adelita and her son could be there? There's no way to know just yet. At least things are going well for one member of the club, though, as Creeper wakes up in bed with the woman he's been seeing over the last couple of episodes. She reveals she had an ex that took his own life, which prompts a conversation about death and Creeper says that he's seen too much of it.

EZ heads to the dog shelter to potentially start a love story of his own, reconnecting with Sofia, the vet that helped him adopt his dog. He thanks her for her advice with Sally and helps her with a dog she's working on. Sofia elaborates on the story about her daughter and reveals that her little girl died while she was passed out from drinking too much. She tells this whole story while putting the dog to sleep and ends it with, "What do you want from me, EZ? I got nothing to give you." Meanwhile, in another town entirely, Emily is discovered by someone who knows her name, which is exactly what she's been trying to avoid.

A woman and man, agents of some kind, are questioning Emily in her apartment, not believing her when she shares her fake identification. The woman knows exactly who Emily is and where she comes from, bringing up a death related to the Galindo Agropark. Emily lies about what she knew about Marlon and the woman sees right through it, asking who she hired to kill the young man.

EZ meets up with Jay-Jay, his former mentor from inside prison who paid him an unexpected visit earlier in the season. Jay and EZ have unfinished business but Jay's family being around keeps EZ from getting into anything with him. There's still a lot for them to discuss given EZ's deal that got him out of prison. Before heading back to church to see Miguel, we see Gilly get a call from his former military captain. At the church. Miguel is told to get right with God because it's what his mother would've wanted. He learns that his mother visited the church when his father blamed her for the death of their first son. This led to her pregnancy with Miguel, and we know Felipe was the father. Miguel's aunt believes that he was a miracle, born without conception, and it's unclear exactly what Miguel knows about the situation. The moment is interrupted by Martin searching for Tomas, who has gone missing. Miguel has a look in his eye like he's going to have to take care of some business. Going back to that phone call Gilly received, he arrives at Paul's house to find his friend trying to force his son to kill him since he can't do it himself. Gilly breaks everything up and Paul keeps repeating, "Just kill me." Over at the grocery store, Hope is dealing with a pushy customer and finally has enough, smashing her groceries all over the counter and walking out.

A few other charters arrive at the Santo Padre clubhouse in an attempt to begin the healing process and honor their fallen brothers. Canche updates Alvarez on the dealings with the cartel, explaining to him that shipments have stopped coming in since the murder in the desert, but Alvarez isn't ready to dive into that (we learn later that not everyone at the cartel is happy with the decision to cut off the Mayans). Meanwhile, Bishop still has issues with everyone, especially EZ. Who's surprised by that?

At the church, the gang returns with some devastating cargo. They drop the body of the young Tomas on the ground at the gates and he's bleeding from a wound in his chest. This draws his father out, and the gang throws him into the truck and leaves.

Alvarez speaks to the club after a commercial break, telling them he wants to put the violence between Mayans in the past, beginning a new chapter for everyone. Club members take turns popping bullets out of a fun and leaving them on a table, part of a ceremony honoring brothers that they've lost. After the ceremony, Alvarez sits with another Mayans president, discussing the future of the club. Like many others, he believes that Santo Padre needs to be closed for good, hoping it will set a path for healing for the Mayans. There's discussion of a difficult decision regarding a man named Esai, and it feels like they may be hinting at the idea that Bishop needs to be removed from the situation so he can stop causing harm. Outside, it's clear that every charter still despises Santo Padre, and a conversation about Steve's suicide starts an argument. EZ steps in to quell the situation before it escalates, but that doesn't work, as a swing at him starts a brawl. Alvarez puts an end to it all by firing a gun into the air and giving a speech about what they're throwing away. "Maybe it's time to cut out the cancer." What they don't know is that a group of Sons are sitting in a car outside the compound, and one gets a text that prompts him to say, "The Mayans are a go to mean Mister Mayhem." As any SOA fan knows, that's not good.

A scene with Bishop confessing his sins to his aunt leads to Gilly taking Paul's son back to his mother. Gilly's told that the issue with Paul is "the worst it's been." She apologizes for getting him involved in their situation. Gilly clearly wants to do more to help his friends but there's not much else for him to do at the moment.

After seeing some troubles for Adelita and Angel, EZ gets a knock on his door: It's Sofia from the shelter. She tells him she's a mess before kissing him, a moment everyone watching has seen coming for a while. EZ's phone rings and he doesn't notice it. Emily is on the other end, clearly running out of people she knows she can trust. Coco is up in Oakland with the other Mayans, celebrating and watching fireworks go off. He calls Hope because the beauty of the fireworks reminded him of her. She admits she needs more help and she's not doing well, something Coco hasn't been willing to admit about himself, and he tries to talk her out of needing it. After Coco hangs up the phone, we see the Sons in the car. They were in Oakland, not Santo Padre. They open up fire on the entire party.

The episode ends with Coco lying on the ground, not moving, and two bullet holes through his back.
