Before the second season of Reacher premiered on Prime Video, the streamer announced the series had been renewed for a third season. Now, the highly-anticipated next season is in production, and it is expected to adapt one of the most popular novels in Lee Child’s Jack Reacher series, Persuader. This week, it was announced that the series has officially found its Paulie, an antagonist from the book series that is known to be one of the only characters who towers over Reacher. Of course, Alan Ritchson is a famously big guy, but he’s about to meet his match with Dutch actor and bodybuilder, Olivier Richters. Yesterday, the official Instagram account for the show shared a fun set photo that shows Paulie is out for blood.
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“REACHER isn’t going to like that. @thedutchgiant has arrived to Season 3,” the post read. You can check out the photo of Richters on set below:
Who Is Paulie in Reacher?
In Persuader, Paulie is described as being at least six inches taller than Reacher, 10 inches broader, and outweighing him by 200 pounds. CinemaBlend learned of Richters’ casting while speaking with Anthony Michael Hall, who is also in Reacher Season 3. During the interview, he compared Richters to Jaws from the James Bond movies.
“He reminds me of, do you remember when we were kids? The Spy Who Loved Me, the Jaws character that Richard Kiel played? He was a literal giant, like seven foot two,” Hall said. “That character [Paulie] does live in the show, and they have an epic battle. I don’t want to give it away, but yeah, they definitely meet as they do in the book. … You know, Reacher and Paulie colliding – there’s something Marvel about that, right? They’re like two superhero-sized guys, so it’s kind of cool.”
When Is Reacher Season 3 Coming Out?
Currently, no release date has been set for Reacher Season 3, but it will likely arrive in the early months of 2025. During an interview with ComicBook, Ritchson teased what fans can expect from the titular character when the show returns.
“I can’t say too much about Season 3, but I will say there’s a lot of classic Reacher stories which are just adventures that he gets sucked into in a big way,” Ritchson told us. “And we get to enjoy Reacher in a new world. It may not have anything to do with family, with his past, he’s just living that adventure out and that’s kind of the direction that we’ve gone and it seems to really be working.”
Stay tuned for more updates about Prime Video’s Reacher.