TV Shows

The Walking Dead Stars Reunite for Grimes Family Photo


The kids are all right — and alive! Former The Walking Dead stars Sarah Wayne Callies and Chandler Riggs, who played Lori and Carl Grimes, reunited to pose for a Grimes family photo with Judith Grimes actress Cailey Fleming. “The kids are all right,” Callies captioned the now-viral photo posted to Twitter. After their first family photo snapped aboard a Walking Dead convention cruise in 2019, the Grimes clan reunited over the weekend for a panel at the Fandemic Tour Atlanta convention. Cast as an aged-up Judith in Season 9, Fleming never starred opposite Callies’ Lori (killed off in Season 3) or Riggs’ Carl (killed off in Season 8). 

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See the latest Grimes family reunion photo below.^tfw

The biological child of Lori and Shane (Jon Bernthal) but raised by Michonne (Danai Gurira) and Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), Callies has acknowledged Judith is Michonne and Rick’s daughter.

“I’m sure you guys have all heard this — I never watched the show, zombies scare me, I’m sorry,” Callies said during a convention appearance in 2019. “I’ve also said for years when people go, ‘Who’s Judith’s father?’ I have an adopted son. I am his mother. I don’t care whose DNA… Rick Grimes stepped up to raise that girl, and that is her father.”

“Now, similarly, while I would like to believe that Lori’s sacrifice for Judith is a little bit like Harry Potter’s mom dying to save his life and gave him superpowers and a cool scar, Michonne is that girl’s mom. Because she raised her,” Callies continued. “And so I can’t tell what would be different if Lori was still alive, but I think Lori is up there somewhere — or down, whatever — she is super grateful that in a world that broken, two human beings stepped up to make sure a little girl survived.” 

During a solo convention appearance in 2020, Riggs said he “would have loved” to work with Fleming’s Judith on The Walking Dead. Twins Chloe and Sophia Garcia-Frizzi portrayed the young Judith at the time Riggs exited the show in Season 8.

“It would have been really interesting to see that kind of blossom and kind of see the role Judith would fill, since in the show Judith kind of took on Carl’s storyline with Negan and whatnot,” Riggs said at FAN EXPO Vancouver. “I think they really would have bonded over Rick leaving and Michonne being their kind of parent that’s raising them. I think they definitely would have bonded over that a lot. It would have been really cool to see that, for sure.”

Follow @CameronBonomolo on Twitter and @NewsOfTheDead for TWD Universe coverage all season long. New episodes of The Walking Dead: The Final Season Part 2 of 3 air Sundays on AMC and AMC+.