Zendaya’s fans can’t help but notice that she looked like Shego on the red carpet for the NAACP Image Awards. Earlier this week, the Internet erupted when the Spider-Man franchise star stepped onto the carpet. For this occasion, the actress was wearing a vintage lime green and black Versace gown. On Instagram, she cleverly nodded toward the Kim Possible antagonist with her stories. From there, the field day was on with the memes and people showing appreciation for the latest iconic Zendaya style moment. Over the years, her fans have become accustomed to getting served these looks in a variety of scenarios. This weekend was no different. Check out the best posts for yourself down below!
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With Dune 2 coming up quick, her co-star Timothee Chalamet had to laud her performance in the franchise. “She hasn’t wrapped yet, and it’s amazing. She’s bringing exactly what she brought to the first one — which was incredible — but in greater abundance. And she’s really become a sister,” Chalamet gushed. “I’m so grateful to count her as a partner and a sister and a friend, and also to share stories about how amazing it is to work with Luca [Guadagnino], because we worked with him back to back on wildly different projects.”
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