Roman Reigns Responds to Dwayne Johnson Sneaking in a WrestleMania Dream Match Tease During Young Rock Season 2


Young Rock Season 2, Episode 5 featured a big surprise for WWE fans back in April. The episode centered around a young Dwayne Johnson (Uli Latukefu) deciding to finally join the pro wrestling business and one of the scenes shows him watching a WWF pay-per-view alongside members of his family. At one point young child tries to wrestle him, then points at the camera and shouts “Acknowledge me!” This turned out to be an actor (Bowie Walton) portraying a young Roman Reigns and The Rock even stepped in as the narrator to point that out. Latukefu turns down the option to wrestle, saying that match could only happen on a stage as big as WrestleMania.ย 

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This caused a stir with online wrestling fans as it was yet another tease for the long-awaited dream match between Reigns and Johnson (which may or may not happen at WrestleMania 39 next year). Reigns said nothing about it at the time, but was asked about it on the Sports Illustrated Media Podcast this week.


“Dwayne’s dropping it within his own project, so it’s got to be pretty good. It’s got to be pretty special. I think that just goes to show the clamoring, the buzz for it, the chatter for it, the wishful thinking, is something that he definitely played into within ‘Young Rock’, which as you know, with him, everything’s highly strategical. A lot of synergy with everything that he does with the projects that he’s guiding and has in mind. So yeah, I would say just based off that alone, it looks even better than it did last time we spoke,” Reigns said.

Reigns and Johnson have teased the idea of a match in numerous interviews over the past few years. Johnson spoke with ComicBook last November and confirmed that, if he were to come back, it would only be for one match.

“I don’t know if I have another title run, considering I’m the People’s Champion, but I don’t know if it’s another title run,” Johnson said. “I think possibly, you know, there might be another match down the road. It would have to make sense.”

“It seems like Roman, you know, I’m very close with Roman obviously, and we talk about this all the time, and I continue to encourage him to keep doing your thing, keep sharpening those skills,” he later added. “I think he’s doing a great job with his promo, his execution, his in-ring work. It all continues to improve and grow. And that’s always the best part, I think, about that world of professional wrestling is that when someone gets anointed and given the ball to run, they either score a touchdown with it or they don’t. But then some, not only score a touchdown with it, but then they begin to change the way the game is played. And in Roman’s case, he’s slowly doing that, and you could start to read the tea leaves. And again, I’m very, very proud of him. I like everything that he’s doing. I like everything that the Usos are doing. I like what they’re doing together, and we’ll see down the road.”

h/t WrestlingNews.co