CM Punk Trashes The Concept of Wrestlers' Court

CM Punk has never shied away from sharing his opinions about his least favorite aspects of the pro wrestling business. One such example popped up on Monday when, while responding to a few people on Twitter, the concept of "Wrestlers' Court" came up. This is a tradition where a wrestler would be accused by his peers of doing something wrong while either on the road or in the ring and after a "trial" would have to undergo some sort of punishment. Many of the most famous examples came from the WWE and involved either The Undertaker or Triple H as the judge. 

The subject was brought up when Punk was admiring Barry Windham's look from the early 90s and decided to ask Hangman Page if he had a pair of chaps he could borrow. A fan responded with, "you're gonna land yourself in wrestler's court for stealing his gimmick," prompting this response from Punk:

Punk is still undefeated since arriving in AEW last August and currently finds himself feuding with MJF and The Pinnacle. He talked about how he's been booked in the company so far during a C2E2 panel last month. 

"I think that's one matchup that everybody wanted to see," Punk said. "Before I even came back, I always heard about 'oh, I want to see MJF and CM Punk go back and forth.' A lot of people think I am off to a slow start and AEW doing certain things a certain way. But to me, just like Adam Cole just said, there's five years worth of stuff with all these interchangeable characters and players. MJF is definitely somebody I wanted to share a ring with. I think now that we're getting to it, people kind of can maybe see the bigger picture. And they can trust AEW as a whole for like the direction of where stuff goes.

"The fans I understand they want to know the behind the scene stuff. They want to peel back the curtain. Everybody's an armchair booker. I am. Everybody's an armchair coach or quarterback or whatever. That's human nature. You watch sports and you're like, ' Oh come on, why did you put that guy in? Why is he in the bench? Why is this guy a healthy scratch? Why didn't you do this? blah, blah, blah. And it's no different than I think pro wrestling and the fans," he added. "To me one of the best things about AEW is we enjoy payoffs. We like making the fans happy instead of just for some reason making them miserable. Doing stuff just to piss them off. Sometimes the happiest outcome is the most obvious one. We don't really feel the need to beat anybody over the head with switching it just because they figured it out first, you know? I enjoy making the fans happy. The juice for being a pro wrestler is getting reactions out of the crowd. When it comes to me and him, without me trying to say anything too positive about him — you ain't seen nothing yet."