AEW's Jim Ross Reveals He's Dealing with Potential Skin Cancer Issue

It doesn't get much more iconic in the world of wrestling than Jim Ross, and the legendary announcer continues to serve as one. of the voices of All Elite Wrestling. Unfortunately, Ross revealed that he's been dealing with a possible health issue for over a year, and in an Instagram post he said he underwent a Cat Scan today to determine if it was skin cancer. He said he is staying positive, and we are wishing him the best. You can view his original Instagram post below, but be warned the photo might shock you a little.

Ross wrote "Been dealing with this for over a year. Potential skin cancer issue. Cat Scan today. Hopeful for good results. Staying positive."

Ross is still commentating on Dynamite, doing interviews, and delivering his podcast, and he loves constantly being busy. DAZN asked him if he sees a light at the end of the tunnel in regards to working so much every day, and while he does, he's still having so much fun being in the middle of it all.

"I do. You have to. Like, yeah, I'm not John Wayne where I can take an arrow by the stick and pull it out of my own arm or something. We all got a shelf life. I started my third year with AEW recently. I don't really pay a lot of attention to that stuff. You're having fun. You're not thinking about it," Ross said.

"I hope that in a perfect world, I would like to stay working for Tony Khan and AEW and take it a year at a time. The contract I came in here was three years because that's what he (Khan) wanted. He wants stability. It made Time Warner happy because they're used to my work in their company for many years and the WWE stuff as well. I'd like to, in a perfect world, Steven, I would say I'll do this year, and then let's evaluate and see where we are health-wise, motivational-wise. Then if I come back, I'd like to come back for a year at a time. That way, it doesn't put Tony in any unnecessary stress. Because by the time my contract ends, I'll be 70. So some young dude like you that's 40 is going to be like 'Jesus Christ, he's old, dude'. But I'm having fun doing this. I'm not going to work every day. We do four shows a month. I'm required to be somewhere four times a month. It's not bad. I'm not complaining. It's just a matter of getting back in that travel groove. I'm a good packer. I have this saying, 'I don't have any room in my carry-on for negativity.' But I think a year at this stage of my life to be realistic and not be egocentric, a year at a time is smart money for me."