Bullet Club Gold Become the Inaugural Unified World Trios Champions at AEW Dynasty

Bullet Club Gold holds all the (trios) gold in AEW!

Bullet Club Gold faced off against The Acclaimed at AEW Dynasty to combine the ROH Six-Man and AEW Trios titles. They've been steadily building the feud for the past few months as The Acclaimed joined the group to form the "Bang Bang Scissor Gang" super group, leaving just a few months after that. 

After some even back and forth between the sides, Anthony Bowens gets a crumb of momentum for his side. Austin despararetly needs a tag which he makes to Jay White. White sends him shoulder and then face first onto the side of the ring, throwing him back in the ring for a near-fall. With the tide turning in the match, BCG take back control as Bowens tries his best to fight out of their corner. The crowd fires up Bowens who is trying to crawl to his corner. They both crawl to their corners, tagging in Billy Gunn and Colten Gunn. Billy hits the One and Only on Austin as Colten comes out of nowhere with a Famouser. 

Chaos ensues in the ring as all men throw themselves at one another. White uses a bat to hit Billy in the back of the head as Colten attempts to get the pin over his father but Billy kicks out. Max Caster and Bowens Uranage to Bowens by White, Billy fights out of White's grasp and hits the Famouser. Caster comes in hot with a leg drop and takes out the Gunns on the outside, White kicks out. Eventually, White takes back control, pinning Billy once and for all.

As the inaugural Unified World Trios Champions, Bullet Club Gold have held the ROH Six-Man Championships for nearly 100 days. The Acclaimed, meanwhile, held the AEW World Trios Championships for 238 days. They won the titles from the House of Black back in August at AEW All In and defended them a total of 11 times throughout their reign. The AEW trios titles were introduced back in 2022 and there was a tournament held to crown the inaugural champions. 

The finals took place at AEW All Out 2022 where The Elite faced off against The Dark Order and Hangman Page. Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks would win the titles there but after a backstage altercation, would be forced to vacate as they were indefinitely suspended. New champions were crowned on Dynamite a few days later, Death Triangle. When The Elite finally returned from their suspension, they met Death Triangle in a "Best of Seven" series where they would win back the titles. The trios division has been a bit rocky as of late, and with both AEW and ROH sharing the same rosters, it doesn't make sense for their to be two sets of trios champions.

"I think that's very cool and it'll create a lot of great opportunities for the top trios out there," AEW President Tony Khan stated on the recent AEW Dynasty media call. "And I think it's very exciting, you know, some consolidation and unification of championships and we have two great trios here, The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn who won their championships dating back last year and with Jay White and the Gunns. I have a ton of respect for all six men. They have a lot of history with each other and it should be an excellent match. We had an injury this past week and I had been waiting to confirm this match on the card. Just to, you know, give you guys a look behind the curtain at the process, when we got the clearance from the doctors I was really excited to be able to add this match to the card and I know the fans in St. Louis will be excited to see these wrestlers and it's something fun for the fans all over the world."