WWE Canceling Crown Jewel Could End Shawn Michaels' Comeback

WWE's relationship with Saudi Arabia has been subjected to waves of scrutiny with many calling for [...]

WWE's relationship with Saudi Arabia has been subjected to waves of scrutiny with many calling for the wrestling conglomerate to cancel its upcoming Crown Jewel event. However, if WWE does pull the plug on Crown Jewel, they may also be forced to kill all future plans involving Shawn Michaels.

At this moment, Shawn Michaels will end his near 10-year retirement when he teams up with Triple H on November 2 to take on Undertaker and Kane at Crown Jewel. Some believe that match could be used to set up an arch for Michaels that could see him compete at Survivor Series and WrestleMania 35.

However, according to the Wrestling Observer Live, Michael's final chapter as an in-ring competitor could be off if WWE is forced to cancel Crown Jewel.

Stemming from the alleged murder of Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi, many American companies are freezing and/or removing themselves from Saudi Arabian affiliation. But WWE, despite taking an ample amount of criticism, appears to be set on keeping its ties with the Saudis. WWE did release a statement on the matter saying they were "monitoring" the situation, but that has appeased none of their critics.

While the mainstream media has been harsh on WWE for their choice, a gang of US Senators have all expressed that Vince McMahon and Co. should reconsider their relationship with the Saudis.

Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut admonished WWE over the weekend.

"All major private interests should review and relook their relationship with the Saudi Kingdom in light of its continuing pattern of abuse of civil rights and civil liberties, contempt for the rule of law, and bombing in Yemen using the United States military equipment and possible intelligence," Blumenthal said in speaking to WCBS News Radio. "I would hope that WWE will recognize on its own a conscience and conviction if there is proof that Saudi officials approved and ordered this kind of killing, and I would lean first on the United States government to do its duty so that it can lead private interests like WWE, and the first place to look is to the United States of America," he said.

"I'd hope that they would be rethinking their relationship with the kingdom, especially with respect to events coming up in the next weeks like [WWE Crown Jewel]," Senator Murphy (D-CT) said.

"There should be a pause," Senator Graham (R-SC) said when asked about WWE working with the kingdom.

"Private enterprise is private enterprise, different than a governmental entity. But because [Linda McMahon] is part of the president's cabinet, it falls into the grey area where the administration really should give it some thought and maybe even prevail upon them not doing it," Senator Menendez (D-NJ) said.

Crown Jewel will be WWE's second major event in Saudi Arabia this year and according to PWInsider, WWE is planning to run the show. WWE agreed to a 10-year deal with Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to promote events in the country, the first being Greatest Royal Rumble earlier this year. The project is part of the country's Vision 2030 plan.