Daniel Bryan Retains WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber

Daniel Bryan survived five other men to retain the WWE Championship inside the Elimination Chamber [...]

Daniel Bryan survived five other men to retain the WWE Championship inside the Elimination Chamber on Sunday night.

Bryan cut a promo prior to the start the match, claiming that he was being punished for the things that he said by starting the Chamber match first. His complaints continued when a group of referees led Rowan to the back, forcing Bryan to go it alone.

Bryan and Joe started out the match, with the champion spending most of the time trying to avoid strikes from a much larger opponent.

Kingston was in next to a huge crowd ovation, and he quickly made the highlight reel by chasing Bryan off the top off a pod and jumping from the top of the chamber onto both men below.

Styles was next in and attacked his three opponents with strikes. He nearly had Kingston set up for a Styles clash, but had to settle for a Ushigaroshi for a nearfall.

Joe attempted to lock in a Coquina Clutch on Kingston, but wound up taking a Phenomenal Forearm from Styles and getting eliminated.

Hardy was next to enter the match, and managed to hit Styles with a Swanton Bomb from the top of a pod while Styles was dangling on the turnbuckle. However, Bryan was in perfect position to hit a Running Knee and eliminate the former WWE Champion.

A top rope suplex spot involving Styles, Bryan and Kingston left all three men down just in time for Orton to enter the match and stomp away at Styles.

Orton picked up an elimination by waiting for Styles to try the Phenomenal Forearm, only to grab him in midair and pull him into the ring with an RKO.

Kingston eliminated Orton minutes later by pushing away an RKO attempt and hitting Trouble in Paradise for the pin.

With just Kingston and Bryan left standing, the crowd erupted in chants for the 11-year WWE veteran.

Kingston hit Bryan with an SOS for a close two count. Bryan started hitting Kingston in the corner with strikes and drop kicks while yelling that Kingston didn't deserve to be in the match. Kingston popped out of the corner and hit a jumping stomp onto Bryan for another two.

Kingston set up for Trouble in Paradise, but Bryan rolled out of the ring to safety. Kingston followed, and drove Bryan repeatedly into the chain wall. He then tried to drive Bryan into one of the pod walls, only for Bryan to counter and show Bryan into the Plexiglas.

Bryan set up for the Running Knee and hit it flush, but Kingston kicked out. The champ looked dismayed, but then grabbed both of Kingston's arms and began repeatedly stomping him in the face. Bryan tried for the knee again but got hit with Trouble in Paradise for two. The two scrambled to get a move in, eventually resulting in Bryan getting the Lebell Lock locked in. Kingston managed to get to the ropes to break the hold.

Bryan climbed back to the top of one of the pods, but Kofi quickly followed to deliver some punches. Kingston went so far as the bash the back of Bryan's head into the Plexiglas wall. He tried for a superplex but Bryan countered it to stop the fall.

Bryan eventually climbed down to avoid the superplex, but was hit with a boot on his way down. From the top of the pod, Kingston went for a splash only to come up empty. Bryan got up and hit the knee for the win.

The champ quickly left the ring with Rowan while the other members of The New Day helped Kingston back to his feet. The crowd gave the WWE veteran a standing ovation for his excellent performance to close the show.