Maria Kanellis Reveals She Was Rushed to the Emergency Room This Week
Maria Kanellis appeared on Monday Night Raw this past week during the Raw Reunion special in a [...]
Maria Kanellis appeared on Monday Night Raw this past week during the Raw Reunion special in a backstage segment involving Eric Bischoff, Eve Torres and her husband, Mike Kanellis. She was scheduled to appear the following night during 205 Live taping for a contract signing between Kanellis and Drake Maverick (the two are treated as serious wrestlers on that show), but the segment was scrapped.
It turns out Kanellis had to be rushed to the emergency room due to complications with her pregnancy. She revealed having to spend a full day at the emergency room on her Instagram account later in the week.
"This is where I spent my day yesterday," she wrote. "Baby number 2 is giving me a run for my money. I had acute vomiting, a headache, and I was dehydrated. I threw up from 6am-3pm nonstop. I have never missed a day at WWE that wasn't planned for in advance. But yesterday I was forced to stay away. It was a wild day! I received fluids, nausea meds, and Tylenol. They think I had a flu bug but I am feeling much better today. The nurses and doctors were fantastic and very caring. This pregnancy is definitely different from the first time. Baby 2 is doing good and that is what matters most. I am blessed to be pregnant and to have a beautiful 15 month old."
After spending months exclusively on 205 Live, the Kanellis couple appeared on Monday Night Raw back on July 1 for a mixed tag match against Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch. Maria revealed she was pregnant during the match, kicking off a new gimmick where she consistently chastised her husband.