Report: Rusev's WWE Contract Ending Soon

Between signing wrestlers to new five-year contracts to refusing release requests from the likes [...]

Between signing wrestlers to new five-year contracts to refusing release requests from the likes of Luke Harper, WWE seems to be doing everything in their power to keep all of their talent locked in for the foreseeable future. However one Superstar might be on his way out sooner rather than later.

According to the Wrestling Observer's Dave Meltzer, Rusev's contract is set to expire "relatively soon." He added that he was unsure if the former United States Champion planned on re-signing with the company.

Rusev responded to the report with a tweet on Friday, writing, "You have been fed the wrong information, Dirt sheets." It was unclear if he was referring to the "asking for time off" reports or the contract reports.

With the exception of a brief appearance at Super ShowDown, Rusev hasn't competed on WWE television since April, as he reportedly asked time off from the WWE's touring schedule. Both "The Bulgarian Brute" and his wife Lana haven't had much to do since WWE decided to break up his Rusev Day tag team with Aiden English. Both in interviews and on social media, Rusev hasn't held back when asked about his frustrations with how WWE's creative team him and his wife.

"Who's to say? Management had different visions. We fought, we fought. If it ain't broke, there's nothing to fix," Rusev said on Lilian Garcia's Chasing Glory podcast back in February. "I think last year around WrestleMania and before that, the whole Rusev Day started and everything. I thought it was my time. I keep pushing and I keep talking to everybody and nobody wants to do anything.

"I fight for everything ... I do want to look my best, I do wanna be at my best because I wanna be WWE Champion," he added. "I want to be on top. I don't want to be forgotten, but that's what irks me is I do all these things but nothing changes, and that is where the frustration comes. What am I supposed to do? I cut my hair, I did that. It was not a good decision."

Both he and Lana speculated that part of the reason for cutting the Rusev Day run short was that Vince McMahon always envisions Rusev as a heel given he's a foreigner.

"I think that our Chairman, he always prefers him as a bad guy," Lana said.

"I think that is really what it all boils down to," Rusev added. "I love being a heel. I've never been a babyface in my life until these last two months."