Seth Rollins Teases Heel Turn After AOP Jump Kevin Owens on WWE Raw

It sure seemed like Seth Rollins was on the verge of a heel turn on this week's Monday Night Raw, [...]

It sure seemed like Seth Rollins was on the verge of a heel turn on this week's Monday Night Raw, but WWE held back on outright pulling the trigger on making "The Beast Slayer" a villain. Rollins opened the show with a special "town hall" segment, where he flat-out blamed the rest of the Raw roster for losing to both NXT and SmackDown at Survivor Series the night before. Rollins argued that he was just trying to inspire everyone else to make the show better, but the other wrestlers simply walked out on him. The only one left was Kevin Owens, whom Rollins chastised for popping up at NXT TakeOver: WarGames on Saturday night.

Owens responded by giving Rollins a Stunner, which set up a main event bout between the two. Later in the show KO cut a promo, telling Rollins how insufferable he had become lately.

Rollins teased using a steel chair on Owens midway through the main event bout, but decided to back off as the crowd started booing. Owens nearly had the match won when he hit a Stunner on the former world champ, but before he could make the cover Akam and Rezar ran out and stood between both men. The two attacked Owens first after he slapped Akam, but stopped short of going after Rollins. Seeing an opening, Rollins closed out the show by delivering a pair of Curb Stomps, much to the anger of the fans in attendance.

The angle is seemingly imitating what's been happening with Rollins in real life. Ever since he started loudly defending the WWE on social media over the summer, more and more fans have turned on "The Beast Slayer" each week, to the point where he was loudly booed during his Hell in a Cell Universal Championship match agianst Bray Wyatt last month.

Rollins addressed the issue during an interview with Corey Graves, calling WWE fans fickle.

"You could go back, shoot, six months, you could go back a year," Rollins said. A year ago from Hell in a Cell... I was everybody's favorite. Those same people who are panning Hell in a Cell and talking about how Seth Rollins is not cool are the same people who were clamoring for me to be the guy to face Brock Lesnar going into WrestleMania, so I don't know what changed... except for the fact that I became the person that they wanted me to be and then they hated me for it.

"And so, it's a very fickle audience, it is what it is," he added. "But to answer your question directly, it feels awful. It's not a good feeling to go out there and put your body on the line. And not just at Hell in a Cell, but every single night for the past however many years that I've been doing it. I've gone out and compete at an extremely high level and dare I say I'm one of the very best at my job. And I do what I have to do when I have to do it. And look, it's not always pretty. But you go out there and you do your job and you do it well and people don't like it and they kinda forget that it is what it is. And so it hurts your feelings. You're a human being and you work hard. It's fine, it's art, you can have your opinion it, but man, it's a tough pill to swallow some times."