Undertaker Announces Kane Will Join Him at WWE Super Show-Down

The Undertaker made yet another Raw appearance and this time he came with big news.At the October [...]

The Undertaker made yet another Raw appearance and this time he came with big news.

At the October 6 Super Show Down, Undertaker will be accompanied by his kayfabe brother, Kane. The addition of the Big Red Machine—and Mayor of Knox County, TN—was in response to Triple H adding Shawn Micheals to his corner. While the match is still Taker vs. Triple H, we can expect Michaels and Kane to get involved in some fashion.

Undertaker did allude to ending Triple H's career, but that bit of dialogue was not expanded upon.

Kane's presence not only boosts an already loaded Super Show-Down card but feeds rumors of he and Taker teaming together at the November 2 Crown Jewel event in Saudi Arabia to take on Triple H and Michaels. For now, consider that match to be speculative.


In two weeks, WWE has yet to confirm a tag match between the founders of DX and the Brothers of Destruction. However, according to the internet, that's exactly where we're headed. Current expectations have that Attitude er tag match taking place at the November 2 Crown Jewel event in Saudi Arabia. If that is destined to happen, we can expect some shenanigans at the Super Show-Down.

The story in all of this is that HBK is likely going to wrestle again. And earlier this summer, Michaels made headlines when he revealed to SkySports sports that he'd entertain another match, as long as the circumstances were right. Oddly enough, what he said in the interview is on the cusp of happening.

"It would have to be done the right way and just for one match rather than something that ran for longer," he said. "It could be possible but people would have to accept they wouldn't be getting the Showstopper, Mr. WrestleMania, and that I'm 52 years old now."

"If it was the Shawn Michaels of 10 years ago I would love to have gotten in the ring with so many of the guys that are competing today," he said. "AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan would be good, and then there's the guys in NXT too. Someone like a Johnny Gargano would be fantastic. But for a one-off match now, I'd need it to be a tag-team match where Hunter (Triple H) and I can just do a few crotch chops and have some fun."