Update on Three Key Names Leaving AEW, Replacement Plans

Tony Khan is working on "growing the business side" of AEW.

All Elite Wrestling continues to transform. Now entering its sixth year of existence, the AEW fans see today still possesses a similar heartbeat to the AEW that launched in 2019, but the company as a whole has evolved significantly. The loudmouth opening match star has become AEW's top good guy and its world champion. One of its co-founders just headlined the competition's biggest show of the year. Another company entirely has been annexed onto AEW and the two regularly share talent with one another. Top names across the industry like Jay White and Will Ospreay have joined the roster.

While on-screen departures like Cody Rhodes and CM Punk have been immediately felt, behind-the-scenes exits take more time to reveal their effects. Three key members of AEW's business side of operations, Dana Massie, Rafael Morffi, and QT Marshall have all left AEW in recent weeks. Massie, the wife of Matt Jackson, was AEW's head of merchandising. Morffi served as AEW Vice President of Live Events/Touring. Alongside being an in-ring competitor, Marshall wore many backstage hats, primarily that of a producer.

Tony Khan Speaks on Recent AEW Exits, Replacement Plans

(Photo: AEW)

Speaking on the AEW Worlds End media call, AEW President Tony Khan teased that he has large plans in place in regards to replacing the three aforementioned departing backstage personnel.

"I have some pretty big things to announce going forward. Obviously, it's a lot of people that I really value [that left]," Khan said. "I could write a book on each of these people. Dana, Raf, QT, each of these people have been with us since the beginning and have made huge contributions to the company. It's really, very challenging to have people like that step away. I think the company is growing and I'm very excited about what we'll be doing in 2024."

AEW's in-ring roster is one of the largest in professional wrestling history, and Khan sees his backstage personnel growing to a place to reflect that.

"I believe that on the business side and on the operational side, the company continues to grow. I have certainly been looking and making more hires and growing the company," Khan continued. "I'm working on stuff that I'm really excited about. It's the end of the year of course, it's not unusual in businesses for contracts to expire on December 31st."

AEW Worlds End goes down on Saturday, December 30th.