The Suicide Squad had its official premiere in Los Angeles on Monday night, and the film’s red carpet ceremony saw the surprise reunion of two former WWE rivals. John Cena, starring in the film as Peacemaker, showed up (as promised) in full costume and ran into current AEW TNT Champion Miro. Back when he was known as Rusev in the WWE, “The Bulgarian Brute” and Cena had a number of battles over the United States Championship that included a clash at WrestleMania 31. The quick interaction between the two was caught on camera as they hugged while Miro said he was having the best time of his life.
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Cena recently returned to the WWE at the Money in the Bank pay-per-view. It was later announced that he would be taking part in a 15-city tour with the WWE dubbed “The Summer of Cena,” which includes him challenging Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship in the main event of SummerSlam on Aug. 21.
We are here!
โ John Cena (@JohnCena) August 3, 2021
We are making peace! ๐ซ๐
Itโs #TheSuicideSquad premiere!@SuicideSquadWB
Meanwhile, Miro was granted his release from WWE back in April 2020. He arrived in All Elite Wrestling months later, but it wasn’t until this past May that he finally hit his stride as “God’s Favorite Champion.” He beat Darby Allin for the TNT title on the May 12 episode of Dynamite and has already successfully defended it four times in dominant fashion.
It’s already been confirmed that Cena’s time as Peacemaker will stretch beyond this new DCEU film. An HBO Max spin-off titled Peacemaker (written and directed by James Gunn) is set to premiere in early 2022.
“Well, you have the same writer, the same creator. James directed a lot of episodes, and certainly, he’s involved heavily with production,” Cena told ComicBook in a recent interview, assuring fans that the quality of Gunn’s film would carry over to the show. “So I think if you like what you see in The Suicide Squad, you’re going to be able to lean into more of those moments on HBO Max with Peacemaker.”
Miro and Cena reunited at the Suicide Squad premiere.
โ Cinnabod Esnaashari (@Farbod_E) August 3, 2021
The Suicide Squad hits HBO Max and theaters on August 6, while Cena’s Peacemaker series arrives on HBO Max early next year.