Former NXT Champion Johnny Gargano Makes Surprise Return on WWE Raw

Former NXT Champion Johnny Gargano has officially made his WWE Monday Night Raw debut! The last time we had seen Gargano in action on WWE television was nine long months ago during his final appearance on NXT 2.0. In the months since his last match with the WWE, fans had been wondering what his plans for the future would be. There were all sorts of theories as to whether or not he would be coming to All Elite Wrestling instead, and following Triple H's takeover of WWE creative, fans started to believe that Gargano would come to Raw or SmackDown instead.

On the Monday, August 22nd Monday Night Raw episode in Toronto, Johnny Gargano surprisingly made his appearance at the top of the third hour. Following a match featuring Ciampa and The Miz that ended in a surprising fashion, Gargano suddenly appeared and got some time to speak about his return in the middle of the ring. It was here that he made his declaration to make an impact on the rest of the locker room as he goes for the next big facet of his career. Confirming once and for all that Johnny Wrestling is back in the WWE. 

After Gargano declared that he was fully back in the WWE, Theory came out to interrupt his big return. Calling back to their days working together in The Way on NXT, Theory wanted Gargano to team up with him and stand behind him in support as he aimed for the top. But as fans know well enough by now, Theory is far from the same person that we saw in NXT back then and Gargano immediately recognized the difference. Rather than team up for their high five much like they used to do when working together, Gargano delivered a swift super kick to Theory's face before leaving him in a heap in the middle of the ring. 

Gargano's back in the WWE together with his original "Rebel Heart" entrance theme, and with other players like Ciampa floating around the Raw roster, there's going to be plenty for Gargano to chew on as he works his way back into the wrestling world. Now there's just a matter of seeing what his first real feud in the WWE Raw circuit will be going forward. What do you think of Johnny Gargano coming to WWE Raw? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments!