The world of Attack on Titan has become extremely complicated in the fourth and final season of the dark anime series, with Eren Jaeger acquiring the power of the Founding Titan and unleashing the Rumbling upon the world. Now, the creator of Castlevania, Adi Shankar, recently shared his thoughts on Eren’s major turn, with the former hero now using his god-like power to institute a genocide that he feels would end the war and protect the people of Paradis from their enemies.
While Shankar might be best known for his work on Castlevania, the producer is also currently working on future animated video game adaptations for Netflix in the form of Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix, a series that is spawned from the world of Far Cry, along with a Devil May Cry animated series that will give us a new take on Capcom’s demon hunter. Adi has also mentioned in the past his desire to create a new interpretation of another classic dark anime franchise in Berserk, the story of Guts and the Band of the Hawk that saw its creator, Kentaro Miura, pass last year and leave a major void within the medium of anime. While Shankar hasn’t revealed any specific plans of giving the new series another anime adaptation, it’s clear he’s keeping his finger on the pulse of anime.
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In a recent interview with’s own Kofi Outlaw, the creator of Castlevania and the recently released Guardians of Justice series on Netflix, Adi Shankar, shared his thoughts on Eren Jaeger’s massive change in the fourth and final season of Attack on Titan:
“No comment, I don’t want to get trolled. I am enjoying the final season though, I just enjoy stuff. I now have the ability to turn off the critical eye, the critical eye is just my own biases so I’m able to enjoy and appreciate what they’re doing.”
What do you think of Eren Jaeger’s actions in this final season? Are you hyped for the return of Castlevania to Netflix with its upcoming new series? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Titans.