Attack on Titan is pushing ahead with its march towards the end. By this April, the series will be a chapter away from its finale, so you can imagine a lot of big moves are happening in the manga. The most recent chapter of Attack on Titan proved as much, and fans are still a bit stunned by the last-minute revival in chapter 137.
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So you have been warned! There are major spoilers below for Attack on Titan chapter 137!

By the end of this new chapter, things were on the up for Armin and his friends at last. Eren has been giving his old friends one hell of a time since he broke from them. The boy is more focused on global genocide than peace at this point, so even Mikasa admitted Eren had to be stopped. Armin was able to convince Zeke as well, and his ability to manipulate the Eldian Path which connects all people of the race. It even connects those who have died, and Zeke was able to temporarily return those who were once Titans back to their bodies.
The revival brought back scores of former Power Titans, but some of them should be recognizable. The return of Bertolt was a big one as the boy helped save Annie from certain death. Porco Galliard and Marcel were two of the first heroes shown. The manga also confirmed that Ymir returned to her Titan body when the Path opened as did dozens more. These Power Titans came together to fight back against Eren’s mindless creations, and they have Armin the chance to stop his childhood friend.
These characters were only able to return for a brief period, but their comeback was not squandered. They may have returned only to die once more, but they did so knowing humanity was on the line. Now, Attack on Titan fans are waiting to hear what Eren has to say about his defeat and whether or not he’ll accept it.
What do you make of this last-minute revival? Did the temporary return make sense to you or…? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.