New Baki Hanma Visual Celebrates Television Broadcast

Earlier this year, fans of the hard-hitting world of Baki Hanma were treated to a new season on Netflix, featuring some of the wildest moments of the series to date as the son of the Ogre fought against the likes of Mr. Unchained, Mike Tyson, and a giant, imaginary praying mantis. With the series set to hit televisions in Japan following its Netflix debut, the franchise has released a new key visual that once again sees Baki taking on the unstoppable force of Mr. Unchained, who remains one of the strongest beings introduced in the series created by Keisuke Itagaki.

For this current season of Baki Hanma, the series released twelve new episodes of Netflix, shoving the son of Yujiro Hanma into the same maximum-security prison that Mr. Unchained calls home. With Baki attempting to grow stronger in order to finally defeat his father in one-on-one combat, the series hasn't revealed if it will be returning to Netflix, though the current season ends on quite the cliffhanger. Should the series return, it will most likely focus on the revival of an ancient caveman who is hilariously named PIckle and will make for one of the wildest enemies to debut in the animated series to date.

Twitter Outlet Anime TV Japan took the opportunity to share the new key visual which helps celebrate the arrival of the latest season of Baki Hanma onto the small screen in Japan and once again shows us the battle between the Son of the Ogre and the American prisoner known as Mr. Unchained:

Keisuke Itagaki is continuing to tell the story of Baki in the pages of the manga, with the franchise continuing to tell the brutal story for decades. So passionate is Itagaki about the medium of anime and manga, that it ran in the family as his daughter, Peru Itagaki, became a mangaka herself and has risen in popularity thanks in part to her creation Beastars. While having little in common with her father's tale, it has become a mainstay on the streaming service of Netflix as well.

What do you think of this new image for the latest season of Baki Hanma? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Hanma family.