Black Clover revealed Asta’s thoughts on Noelle Silva’s new Saint Valkyrie Armor form with the newest chapter of the series! The fights against the devils of the underworld in the Spade Kingdom continues with the newest chapters of the series, but things have thankfully taken a much brighter turn with Noelle’s fight against Megicula. After seemingly being led to the end of her rope as the devil’s power only grew stronger and speedily healed Megicula after each attack, hope soon came for Noelle from a surprising source with a choice save from Asta at an opportune time.
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With Asta coming to save Noelle and the others at the right time, this provided a huge shift in their relationship as she had finally come to grips with her feelings for him. This has pushed her to a new level, and with the final use of her Spirit Dive abilities she’s making the most of all of the trust Asta has put in her in the previous chapter and we get to see how Asta reacts to Noelle’s brand new form as he’s further emphasizing just how cool he thinks he is.

When Noelle had seen Asta save Lolopechka from being killed, Noelle realized that she truly loves Asta and that love has fueled not only her current determination in fights but is making her fight in very much the same way. This also gives her a temporary strength boost because while she had merely enough strength to only form the edge of a sword, once Asta arrives she’s able to unleash her final Saint Stage effort.
With Asta’s support together with a final push of efforts from the others, Noelle indeed makes it to Megicula once more. She’s unable to land the final blow, but thankfully she also has one last savior as he brother, Nozel, arrives just in time. But this final effort would not have been possible without Asta cheering her on with that one final “Whoa Noelle, you’re awesome!” and further highlighting how their time together has made one another stronger both physically and mentally.
It’s yet to be revealed as to whether or not Asta will reciprocate Noelle’s feelings, but this small moment helps to show just how deep of a connection they have forged through battles in the Black Bulls. But what did you think of Asta’s reaction to Noelle’s full power? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!