
Cells at Work to End Next Month with Coronavirus Story

Akane Shimizu’s massively popular Cells at Work! manga series will be coming to an end next month […]

Akane Shimizu’s massively popular Cells at Work! manga series will be coming to an end next month with a story about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The newest issue of Kodansha’s Monthly Shonen Sirius magazine has announced that Cells at Work will officially be coming to an end with the next chapter of the series. While the franchise will be releasing both its anime’s second season and the debut of its spin-off anime series, Code Black, the original manga it all started from will be ending with the next release of the magazine on January 26th next year.

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As announced through the series’ official Twitter account, the penultimate chapter of the series is titled “New Coronavirus (Part 1)” with the final chapter of the series exploring more of the virus’ impact on the human body. Cells at Work‘s staff noted that they hoped it would help the public better understand the disease with this final release, “With gratitude to all the medical professionals fighting on the front lines, we hope that this will help in the proper understanding of the new coronavirus.”

One of the major reasons Cells at Work has been such a hit with fans is its blend of education and entertainment. Both the main series and Code Black explore how different diseases and ailments impact different types of bodies, so seeing the manga end with one of the most notorious pandemics in recent history is bound to make for an impressive ending.

What do you think? Surprised to see Cells at Work end with a story about the novel coronavirus? How do you think this series can even end? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!