Dandadan follows Momo Ayase, a high school girl who believes in spirits, and Ken Takakura, whom Momo nicknames “Okarun,” her classmate who believes in aliens. The series thrusts the pair into bizarre and dangerous adventures involving both supernatural creatures and extraterrestrial threats. Dandadan is unique in blending action, romance, suspense, and comedy as the characters battle yokai, spirits, and other supernatural beings while exploring their developing relationship.
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Warning: Spoilers for Dandadan ahead!
With intense action sequences, quirky humor, and heartwarming moments, Dandadan quickly became a fan favorite. The show is also celebrated for its clever inclusion of pop culture references, one of which stands out in a recent episode. This moment combines a nod to a well-known One Piece character, an ’80s Japanese energy drink, and a catchy, nostalgic song that has fans buzzing.
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Dandadan Episode 9 Makes ’80s Energy Drink Reference
Peeny-Weeny, also known as Mr. Mantis Shrimp or the Dover Demon first appears at the end of Dandadan episode 8, and by episode 9, titled “Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie!”, the character is involved in a battle with Okarun and Aira Shiratori, who has now awakened to Acrobatic Silky’s powers. During this fight, Peeny-Weeny (voiced by Tomokazu Seki, known for voicing One Pieceโs Rob Lucci) begins to sing the song Yuuki no Shirushi (“Sign of Courage”), also known as Japanese Businessman.
Originally sung by Saburล Tokitล in 1989, Yuuki no Shirushi was created to promote the energy drink Regain. Regain became extremely popular in Japan due to its association with the culture of the Japanese businessman. The drink was marketed as a way to combat fatigue and maintain long periods of productive work. Commercials featuring successful men in suits became a hallmark of its marketing strategy.
The song ironically critiques the life of a stereotypical Japanese salaryman, highlighting the struggles of overwork, societal expectations, and conformity with an exaggerated and satirical tone. One YouTuber described it as “a Japanese song from the bubble periodโฆ a time when people were rich.” This makes the song particularly fitting for Peeny-Weeny in Dandadan, as he works as a hired fighter for the Serpo, reflecting the pressures of work and the treatment workers often endure under demanding superiors.
In addition to Peeny-Weeny in Dandadan and Rob Lucci in One Piece, Seki has voiced many other notable characters in the anime world, including Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket, Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4, Ichiro Miyata from Hajime no Ippo, and Whisper from Yo-kai Watch.