The world of Ryuk and the supernatural tool used by Light Yagami in the Death Note has returned with a new series of short stories that explore new aspects of the franchise created by Takeshi Obata and Tsugumi Ohba, and the creators recently had the opportunity to comment about this new anthology that revisits the popular universe. Though the series of Death Note doesn’t have any upcoming anime projects in the works, it’s clear that there are still plenty of stories left to tell when it comes to the universe of the manga that has become a classic anime franchise since its debut!
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Last year, we saw the world of Death Note return via a sequel one-shot that introduced us to the new wielder of the magic notebook, Minoru Tanaka, who wasn’t attempting to change the world like his predecessor Light by killing the criminals of the world but was rather attempting to sell the instrument of destruction for an insane profit. With the countries of the world battling against one another to attempt to get their clutches on the Death Note, the notebook had surprisingly fallen into the hands of former President Donald Trump, with the current status of Ryuk and his supernatural item up in the air!
Regarding the new anthology of the Death Note universe, here’s what the creators had to say about these fresh stories in the world of Ryuk, Light, L, and the other colorful characters of this popular franchise:
Takeshi Obata: “It must have been a long time ago when the series ended, but now it has come back as a collection of short stories. You never know what will happen in this world.”
Tsugumi Ohba: “Now that the whole world is fighting against the new coronavirus, I don’t feel like writing a joke comment here. For now, I just sincerely hope that things will return to normal as soon as possible. Please forgive me if there are some jokes in the contents of the manga, as it is in my style. Please resign yourself to the fact that the author’s ability is limited. It may be that I should only work when I can write something I am not ashamed of, but I have been ashamed of being judged on my essays since I was in elementary school. I’m really sorry for everything. Thank you very much for reading this.”
Will you be reading these new short stories that take us back to the world of Death Note? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Ryuk!