With two seasons under its belt, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba already stands as one of the industry’s most successful anime series to date. As work continues on its next season, fans are still pouring over the episodes they’ve already got, and many get chills to this day whenever Tanjiro harnesses the power of the Hinokami Kagura. Now, the actor behind the slayer is opening up about those performances, and it turns out his first attempt at the power caught him offguard.
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The conversation was held at Anime Expo as Hanae appeared before fans at a sold-out event. It was there the actor talked about their work on Demon Slayer, and when Tanjiro’s newest Breathing Form was asked about, Hanae had to admit it was hard performing the style.
According to Hanae, it was rather hard voicing the Hinokami Kagura because of its intensity. In fact, the actor says they lost their breath the first time they tackled the script. However, Hanae felt he owed it to Tanjiro to become strong enough to perform the Hinokami Kagura in the booth since the slayer trained so hard to use it in battle. The only issue is that Tanjiro’s enemies are getting stronger with each encounter, so the Hinokami Kagura still hasways to be improved.
READ MORE: Demon Slayer Star and Producer Hype Big Goals for Season 3 | Demon Slayer: Tanjiro’s Actor Reviews Season Two’s Most Viral Moment
For those who have seen Demon Slayer, you can attest Hanae put their whole heart into the Hinokami Kagura. The form is hard to master whether you are training with it or voicing it. Still, Hanae is more like Tanjiro than anyone could have imagined, so he will not rest until he’s done a job well. And as season three gets underway at Ufotable, fans can rest easy knowing Hanae has Tanjiro covered.
Do you think Hanae did Tanjiro’s ultimate move justice? Are you excited to see what Demon Slayer season three has in store? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.