Digimon Ghost Game, the next major anime in the Digimon franchise, has confirmed its release date with the debut of a brand new poster! Toei Animation celebrated the monumental 20th Anniversary of the Digimon franchise with a rebooted take on Digimon Adventure, the first iteration of the anime released over 20 years ago, and now that series will be coming to an end in just a matter of weeks. With the end of this new reboot series, Toei Animation will be going into a brand new entry next that will take the Digimon series in a spooky new direction with the debut of Digimon Ghost Game.ย
Videos by ComicBook.com
First announced to be in the works earlier this Summer, Toei Animation has confirmed when fans will be able to check out this next entry of the anime franchise with a slick new poster. Digimon Ghost Game will be making its debut as part of the Fall 2021 anime schedule on October 3rd in Japan. The series has yet to reveal how many episodes it will be sticking around for when it finally makes its premiere, but it already looks to be a big change from what has come before. Check out the new poster below:ย
While this next entry of the franchise has yet to be confirmed for an international release, there’s a good chance fans outside of Japan will be able to check it out this Fall considering the success of the Digimon Adventure reboot. This is also the first brand new entry for the franchise in quite some time, so fans will definitely need to tune in to see how Toei Animation and Bandai shake things up with this one. The first staff additions have been confirmed as well.ย
Digimon Ghost Game will be directed by Kimitoshi Chioka (who previously worked on Dragon Ball Super) and Masato Mitsuka (who previously worked on the Digimon Adventure reboot series) for Toei Animation. Masashi Sogo will be handling the scripts, Tenya Yabuno will be designing the characters, Kenji Watanabe will be designing the Digimon once more, and Cho Shinozuka will be adapting these designs for the new anime.ย
What do you think of this newest look at Digimon’s next new anime series? Will you be tuning into the new entry when it premieres later this Fall? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuffย @Valdezology on Twitter!