Dragon Ball Daima’s sixth episode continues to follow Son Goku, Kaioshin, Panzy, and Glorio explore the Demon Realm. In their bid to discover this new world’s Dragon Balls, the anime heroes are still learning a lot about the realm and one another. With the latest installment revealing new secrets about the Supreme Kai’s origin, shonen viewers are also given a closer look at Glorio’s true intentions, which might spell serious trouble for the Z-Fighters. On top of the secrets revealed in this latest episode, viewers are also able to witness just how powerful Glorio is in an unexpected fight against Goku.
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Warning. If you have yet to watch the latest episode of Dragon Ball Daima, Episode 6, be forewarned that we’ll be diving into serious spoiler territory. While the fifth episode of the shonen series saw Goku and his allies in a good place, receiving some much needed resources from Panzy’s father, their luck didn’t last. Thanks to Panzy overloading their ship, Goku and company have been waylaid in their quest to use the Demon Realm’s Dragon Balls. During their first night in a nearby cave, Glorio takes his chance to talk with his secret boss, whose identity might come as a surprise to anime fans.
RELATED: Dragon Ball Daima Reveals Kaioshin’s Origin Story (And It Is Weird)
Glorio: Agent of Anisu
The Supreme Kai has had a feeling about Glorio for the past few episodes, unable to get a read on the Demon Realm warrior who conveniently appeared when the Z-Fighters needed him most. While Glorio initially stated that he was working for one of the Demon Realm lords, it turns out that he is actually working for Dr. Anisu. The mad scientist not only is one of the most villainous characters of the Demon Realm we’ve seen so far but is also the sister to Kaioshin, meaning that she most likely has some serious power to back her up.
In the back and forth between Glorio and Dr. Anisu, the former reports to his boss that things are going as planned and he is leading Goku and company to the exact spot that the scientist wants them to arrive at. Anisu has been working in the background for the entirety of Dragon Ball Daima so far, as the series has been leaving tiny clues regarding what she is up to. While Glorio might be a secret agent within Goku’s ranks, the battle between the two might have fans breathing a sigh of relief.
Glorio V Goku
Encountering a Minotaur in a nearby cave, Goku and Glorio decide to completely ignore this new threat to spar against one another. Dragon Ball Daima has been throwing quite a few nerfs at Son in its opening episodes, not just seeing him struggle with his new mini-form but also seeing him dealing with the heavy atmopshere of the Demon Realm. Despite these hindrances, Goku can still transform into a Super Saiyan, with this fact scoring him a major advantage in his fight against Glorio.
In episode six, Glorio is able to show off his magical abilities, throwing some major energy attacks at Goku in the process. Luckily, Son is able to claim victory by turning his hair yellow and teleporting behind the demonic warrior. Even if Glorio does betray Goku and his allies, it would seem that the demon still has an uphill battle awaiting him once he does.
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