In Dragon Ball Daima’s latest trailer, the upcoming anime series confirmed a major factoid about Goku in his new “mini” form. Transformed into a much smaller version of himself thanks to a conspiracy utilizing the dragon balls, many anime fans were left wondering just how powerful the Z-Fighter would be in the body of a child. The tiny Goku can still transform into a Super Saiyan, which opens up the question as to what other transformations the anime hero can use. Now seems like the perfect time to examine whether or not Daima’s version can access the power of Ultra Instinct.
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As a refresher, Son was able to learn how to tap into the power of Ultra Instinct thanks to his participation in the Tournament of Power. Using this new transformation to fight against Universe 11’s Jiren, Goku would go on to perfect the form during the fight against the sorcerer Moro, the bounty hunter Granolah, and the Heeters’ most powerful member, Gas. Learning various iterations of the ultimate form, Goku still has a long way to go in fighting against the new strongest being in the universe as teased in the Granolah Saga’s final chapter. Frieza has achieved a new transformation dubbed “Black Frieza” which makes him far stronger than either Goku’s Ultra Instinct or Vegeta’s Ultra Ego.
Can Daima’s Goku Go Ultra Instinct?
Considering when Dragon Ball Daima takes place in the timeline, it seems highly unlikely that Goku will use the power of Ultra Instinct to look for a way to turn back to normal. Daima takes place after the death of Kid Buu but before Goku and the Z-Fighters meet Beerus and Whis, meaning that they don’t have a conception of transformations like Ultra Instinct and the power of the gods. At best, Goku may be able to transform into a Super Saiyan 3 as that was the highest form he could use at the start of Dragon Ball Super while fighting Universe Seven’s God of Destruction.
As of the writing of this article, there hasn’t been confirmation as to whether Dragon Ball Super’s anime will make a comeback. Ending its initial run in 2018, the anime adaptation still has to cover two major arcs in the Moro Arc and the Granolah The Survivor Arc. Considering the popularity of the shonen franchise, it seems like a safe bet that Ultra Instinct will make a comeback to the anime adaptation.
Want to follow along with Goku’s upcoming anime adventure? Follow along with Team Anime on ComicBook for the latest updates on Dragon Ball Daima.