Dragon Ball will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary with an unexpected new anime series, and the voice star behind Goku shared her reaction to Goku becoming a kid again in the upcoming Dragon Ball Daima! With Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball manga celebrating the 40th Anniversary of its original debut in the pages of Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, Toei Animation is going all out with a new Dragon Ball anime series. But it’s going a much different direction than fans had ever expected to see as it’s not a return to Dragon Ball Super, but will be something brand new.ย
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Toei Animation officially announced the next Dragon Ball anime is titled Dragon Ball Daima during the New York Comic Con 2023 weekend, and it revealed that this next series will see Goku and the Z Fighters transformed into kid’s again by what looks like to be a wish on the Dragon Balls. Fans have already shared their thoughts about the new looks for the upcoming anime, but Goku voice actor Masako Nozawa (who recently just received a major honor for her lengthy career) shared her reaction to seeing Kid Goku in action again.ย
What Happens in Dragon Ball Daima?ย
“Wasn’t the video for the new series Dragon Ball DAIMA amazing?” Nozawa shared in a statement following the release of Dragon Ball Daima‘s first footage. “Goku was so adorable and wonderful! I wonder about the conspiracy behind Goku’s new appearance. I’m very curious, but I’m told the details are still a secret! I’ll be waiting for the new anime along with all of you! I hope you look forward to it too!” Like many fans who are seeing Goku’s kid transformation, Nozawa is also wondering how it all comes together in the new series.ย
Dragon Ball Daima is now in the works for a release in Fall 2024. Original Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama is involved with the new series’ story, and teases it as such, “Due to a conspiracy, Goku and his friends are turned small. In order to fix things, they’ll head off to a new world! It’s a grand adventure with intense action in an unknown and mysterious world. Since Goku has to make up for his petite size, he uses his Power Pole to fight, something not seen in a long time.”
How do you feel about Goku becoming a kid again for Dragon Ball Daima? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!