Super Dragon Ball Heroes has released a new episode in its New Space-Time War arc! The second season of the promotional anime continues adapting the currently ongoing Big Bang Mission saga from the original card arcade game in Japan, and with it brings a new step into the New Space-Time War arc. This arc has launched Goku and Vegeta into a brand new universe created by Fu, and with it has also brought them face to face with a number of familiar villains from their past. This also includes a much stronger version of Goku Black.
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The previous episode ended on a major cliffhanger teasing that Goku and Vegeta would be facing off against Goku Black once more, and now fans can see that in action with the newest promotional anime series. But that’s not all as the episode also brings in way more familiar faces, enemies, and teases huge new battles with a few unexpected characters as well. Check it out in the video above as shared by Dragon Ball Hype. on YouTube!
Super Dragon Ball Heroes Big Bang Mission Episode 16 English Sub
Translations: @peraperayume
โ Dragon Ball Hype. (@DbsHype) July 11, 2021
Typesetting: @DBSChronicles
Super Dragon Ball Heroes New Space-Time War Arc Episode 5 is titled “Warrior in Black vs. Goku Black! The Dark Plot is Revealed!” and the synopsis for the episode describes it as such, “Goku and co. learn the true identity of the Scarlet Mask. Goku Black’s evil plan is finally revealed…In the midst of all the turmoil and confusion, the Warrior in Black and Scarlet Mask clash in a universe-shaking battle!” As the synopsis teases, it’s not just Goku and Vegeta who are in the middle of a huge fight this time around.
The newest episode of the series takes things in an interesting direction as it brings back some old foes with brand new forms and abilities, and while this is part for the course for the Dragon Ball Heroes franchise, this is probably going to throw fans for a loop considering some of these villains haven’t been used in the original franchise in quite some time. But what do you think?
How are you liking Dragon Ball Heroes‘ promotional anime so far? How is the second season comparing to the first? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!