
Dragon Ball Heroes Synopsis Sets Up the Anime’s New Universe

Super Dragon Ball Heroes is setting up a new universe for the anime series with the synopsis for […]

Super Dragon Ball Heroes is setting up a new universe for the anime series with the synopsis for its next episode! The promotional anime series is currently making its way through its second season of episodes, and the previous episode of the series rounded out the final moments of the Big Bang Mission arc of the series. In the latest couple of episodes released for the promotional series, fans have been gearing up for the next phase of the season that teased an all-out war between universes. It seemed that this war is finally upon us with the cliffhanger from the previous episode.

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Dragon Ball Heroes will be kicking off the Space-Time War arc which not only brings back some franchise favorite villains (with some new twists), but will take everything to the next level with a conflict in a brand new universe. After exploring the multiverse in the first season of the promotional anime, it seems that going to somewhere brand new is the next viable step. This is further evident from the synopsis of the next episode releasing on March 17th in Japan.

Episode 12 is titled “A New Space-Time War! The Ultimate Fierce Battle Begins!” and it’s described (as translated by @DBSChronicles on Twitter) as such, “Fu created a new space-time by using the power of the Universe Tree that duplicated the present universe. A new battle for the escape of Goku and those trapped in the new space-time begins! How will this ultimate fierce battle end!?”

If you wanted to check out Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ latest episode for yourself to catch up in time for the next episode, it’s titled “The Outcome of Universe Creation! The Birth of a New World!” and is described as such, “A fierce battle unfolds between Vegito: Xeno and Fu. The light emitted from the Universe Tree converges on Fu’s right hand, turning into an eerie sphere of light. Will a new universe be born…? As varied ambitions intersect, how will this super decisive battle involving the entire universe end?”

Are you ready for the next episode of Super Dragon Ball Heroes? How are you liking the second season of the promotional anime series so far? How is it comparing to the episodes in the first season? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!