Dragon Ball Super’s manga has finally brought the Super Hero adaptation to an end, and with it, readers were able to once again see the new iteration of Cell, Cell Max, fall to the power of Gohan Beast. While this latest incarnation of the biological nightmare was the most powerful to date, it took on a form that looked far more like Cell’s second form than the perfect iteration that caused Gohan and the Z-Fighters so many problems. Now, a fan artist has imagined what Cell Max might look like if he were “perfect”.
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Despite Cell Max far exceeding the power of the previous Perfect Cell, the new creation of the Red Ribbon Army was unable to claim victory against the Z-Fighters in the latest film. While Cell Max was able to defeat Orange Piccolo, Gohan achieved a new transformation in his “Beast” form and delivered the finishing blow to the Red Ribbon Army’s strongest creation to date. With the shonen series bringing back Frieza, Cell’s return was one that many fans had been anticipating. It seems unlikely that we’ll see Cell Max return from the dead any time soon, but that isn’t stopping fans from sharing their own takes on the new villain.
Cell Max Becomes Perfect
Aside from receiving a new color swap. Cell Max also received an upgrade in standing toe-to-toe with kaiju. The new iteration of the classic villain was far larger than the original iteration of the shonen antagonist, so if he were to become “perfect”, it would be interesting to see whether Cell Max’s size would change as well.
Recently, Dragon Ball Super’s manga released its 101st chapter, finally following the Z-Fighters after the events of their latest feature-length film. While the recent installment doesn’t see Cell Max make a comeback, it sets the stage for some interesting confrontations in the future. Now that Goku and Vegeta are aware of Gohan’s Beast form, we might see some Z-Fighter spars in the future.
Do you want to see Cell Max receive his own “perfect” form? What other villains from the shonen series’ past do you want to see make a comeback? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Z-Fighters.