Following the conclusion of the Dragon Ball Super anime, the manga created by Akira Toriyama has been chugging along with the arrival of the sorcerer known as Moro who has the unique ability to absorb energy and add it to his own and with this article, we’ll break down the best and the worst of the latest story arc in terms of what has worked and what hasn’t! With the latest chapter seeing Goku brought low by Moro and the arrival of a certain Prince of the Saiyans, it seems as though we still have a ways to go before this battle wraps!
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What do you consider to be the strongest parts of the Moro Arc? What would you like to see improved over the latest Dragon Ball Super story line? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Dragon Ball!
Pros – Vegeta.

Fans are ecstatic about one of the strongest moving parts of the Moro Arc in that Vegeta has finally decided to not only start learning some of Goku’s techniques such as Ultra Instinct, but may have also learned some insane moves such as healing, the creation of clones, and even making his physical size many times larger than normal! Though we don’t know whether the Prince of the Saiyans will ultimately win the day against Moro, it’s been fantastic seeing his new powers emerge and take the opportunity to dive into new levels of power. We are really crossing our fingers that the finale of this arc is resolved thanks to Vegeta and not another win by Goku!
Pros – All The Z Fighters Have A Role

Can you believe that the Moro Arc gave us an amazing Yamcha scene? With Moro and his henchmen arriving on Earth, the Galactic Patrol needed to recruit a few new members to its force in order to stop the mad wizard from taking all the energy of the planet for himself. With the human Z fighters finally getting opponents that are around their own power levels, Roshi, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, Krillin, and even Chiaotzu got their moments to shine. Rest assured, we can’t wait to see these scenes animated!
Pros – Fleshing Out Majin Buu

In the battle against Moro, we got an unexpected look into the past of Majin Buu and the Kaioshin that he had absorbed into his body that resulted in the creation of the incarnation that we’ve come to know on the side of the Z Fighters. With the Kaio even going so far as to taking over the body of Buu, it’s amazing to see how far the character has come since the final arc of Dragon Ball Z where he was committing mass genocide. While we haven’t seen Buu’s new incarnation appear in the recent chapters, we would imagine he’ll make an appearance
Pros – Merus And The Galactic Patrol

The Galactic Patrol, which was originally introduced with the comic relief Jaco, seemed like a joke when it was first introduced during the Resurrection of Freeza Arc in Dragon Ball Super, but the arrival of Merus switched things up to a big degree! As the origin of Merus was revealed, we learned a lot more about this “space cop” as he was shown to be a renegade angel on the same level as Beerus’ right hand man, Whis. In his training of Goku in the form of Ultra Instinct, Merus has been instrumental in the battle against Moro and we imagine that his role will continue
Cons – Moro

Originally, we were very much on board with Moro’s character as he had shades of the original Dragon Ball of Piccolo The Demon King, but as time has marched on, his lack of motivation and being evil simply for the sake of being evil has dragged. While every villain doesn’t necessarily need a connection with the heroes in order for them to “work”, it certainly wouldn’t hurt and Moro’s reliance on his energy absorption is the one hat trick he seems to have in setting himself apart from the villains of the past.
Cons – Making Goku The Savior Again

To be fair, Goku did lose in his battle with Moro for now and when they originally clashed, but the Saiyan warrior has been the “savior” for so long in the franchise that it can be boring after awhile. While Vegeta seems to be unleashing his new powers that he learned on Yardrat, we can’t help but feel that the day will be saved once again by Goku as the franchise sometimes seems scared to break tradition of the previous arcs of the Dragon Ball series. We’re crossing our fingers that Goku takes a back seat but he still has the final form of Ultra Instinct that he has yet to call upon. Speaking of which….
Cons – Ultra Instinct

We all knew after the Tournament of Power that the only direction for Goku to take was to learn to master Ultra Instinct, but in a way, that sort of cheapens the god-like transformation. Being able to flip the transformation on like a switch in a similar vein to the normal Super Saiyan levels and Super Saiyan God forms definitely diminishes the uncontrollable aspects of the power that even makes the gods of destruction take notice. While the final form of Ultra Instinct is still out of Goku’s reach in terms of mastery, does anyone truly believe that the Saiyan warrior won’t learn to master this as well?