Dragon Ball Super is entering a new phase following the conclusion of the Granolah The Survivor Arc, taking a break from world-ending battles to focus instead on Goten and Trunks as teenagers attempting to patrol their city’s streets as the newest superheroes. Thanks to all the Z-Fighters not falling in battle against Androids 17 and 18, the present version of Trunks is far different from the one that was introduced during the Cell Saga and the artist drawing the manga has some thoughts on their differences.
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The last time that Shonen fans saw Future Trunks was during the Goku Black Arc, which saw the alternate take on Vegeta’s son assisting his dad and Goku in fighting against the rogue Kaioshin known as Zamasu. As a result of this universe-shattering battle, the Trunks from the future had no world to return to, setting out to a timeline that apparently had a Trunks already there. As it stands, fans have no idea what happened to Future Trunks when he went to this new timeline though we would imagine that the Z-Fighter from the future will eventually return to Dragon Ball Super.
Trunks Vs Trunks
In a recent interview for the Official Dragon Ball Website, current Super artist Toyotaro went into detail about the differences between the two Trunks and how Future Trunks’ life has made him a much different version than his younger self, who has not been nearly as traumatized in his younger years:
“The Trunks from the future is a completely different character, so that’s what makes it hard (in drawing them). Both of their lives have been totally different. I’d like readers to separate them. He’s quite a bit different from Future Trunks. The responsibilities they have are not the same at all.”
When Future Trunks returned to Dragon Ball Super, he had the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan 2, while also gaining a new transformation during the fight against Goku Black, though it has yet to be seen if the current Trunks can hit the same heights without the adversities in his way.
Which version of Trunks has been your favorite? Do you think we’ll see the Trunks from the future return to the series at some point? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Z-Fighters.