Over the course of the Saiyan Saga, Frieza Saga, Cell Saga, and Majin Buu Saga, the Z-Fighters have gained new allies and transformations to help them keep up with the various threats thrown their way over the course of Dragon Ball Z. With the video game troupe known as Mega 64 recreating the past Dragon Ball Z Sagas, the time has come for the last arc to get the similar treatment, with a behind-the-scenes video showing how the comedians were able to tackle the arrival of Buu.
Videos by ComicBook.com
The Majin Buu Arc is arguably the most controversial saga within the sequel series of Dragon Ball Z, with the pink nightmare helping to introduce some wild elements to the Shonen franchise. The final major saga of the series had the Z-Fighters learning how to perform the Fusion Dance while also giving us our first look at Super Saiyan 3 thanks to both Goku and the fused being known as Gotenks. Even though Buu originally hit the scene as a villain who was able to kill everyone on the face of the Earth, the former antagonist would eventually settle down and become a big ally to the Z-Fighters, when they can wake him up from his various bouts of sleep.
Mega 64 shared the hilarious behind-the-scenes video that shows off some of the techniques that the comedy troupe used in summarizing the Majin Buu Saga, using a number of clever tricks to help portray some of the biggest battles in the history of Dragon Ball Z:
While it has already hit theaters in Japan, the next animated project of Dragon Ball Super, Super Hero, is set to release worldwide this August, with Majin Buu playing a role in the battle against the Red Ribbon Army, albeit quite the small one. While a release date has yet to be revealed for the return of the television series, Dragon Ball Super will most likely eventually cover the Moro Arc, which has another weighty role for the former Dragon Ball Z villain.
What other anime franchises do you want to see Mega 64 tackle in the future? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Dragon Ball.