The latest installment of the Ghost In The Shell franchise has just arrived as a new anime series on the streaming service of Netflix, and now, fans will be able to enter the technological world of Major Kusanagi and her fellow officers of the law via the advanced technology of virtual reality. Though the recently released series has been received with mixed reception, the environments and characters that were originally brought to life via the first feature length film remain close to the hearts of many anime fans since its arrival decades ago!
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The many different options that will allow the Ghost In The Shell fans to experience the world in a brand new way includes the aforementioned virtual reality software that will allow fans to have discussions with Kusanagi and the other police officers of the world of Stand Alone Complex, along with Instagram filters, attire, and posters that do a good job of pushing the new anime universe. SAC_2045 continues the long running television series of “Stand Alone Complex”, which brought the franchise of Ghost In The Shell to the small screens, with new adventures for the familiar protagonists.
The Ghost In The Shell promotion can be found on the series’ new website, showing off the different technological components of how fans can experience the franchise in some ingenious new ways!
The latest campaign also features “augmented reality”, using participants’ phones to display one of the robotic wonders of the Stand Alone Complex universe. An anime franchise that found great success using this tech is the popular franchise of Pokemon, creating an AR video game that allowed fans to capture pocket monsters around their neighborhoods or the world at large. With the mobile technology becoming more and more popular, it’s definitely no surprise to see it being employed with a series that made a name for itself by showing us what the world could become if humanity merges with robotics!
A second season for Ghost In The Shell: SAC_2045 has yet to be confirmed with Netflix, but we’ll be sure to let you know when/if it does!
What do you think of this new Ghost In The Shell campaign? What other ways have anime franchises been able to use technology seamlessly in order to promote their series? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Major Kusanagi!