Mobile Suit Gundam first hit the scene in the 1970s and since its debut, it has released countless series and movies that have helped explore several universes that feature the mechs in action. With Japan being known to feature several art exhibits that show great works from anime franchises such as My Hero Academia, Berserk, and Rurouni Kenshin to name a few, it seems that Gundam is opening its own exhibit to dive into the series’ past and has some new art to prove it.
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Unfortunately for fans in the West, this Gundam exhibit is another event that won’t be hitting North America, though they have taken the opportunity to share a lot of new art with fans of the most popular anime mech franchise. The event itself opens its doors on January 22nd, giving fans the opportunity to look at classic art as well as pick up plenty of merchandise from the Gundam Exhibit, while planning to close up shop on March 21st. Taking place at the EJ Anime Museum, this is but one of the many attractions in Japan focusing on Gundam with there still being plenty of life-sized statues sprinkled throughout the country.
Da Vinci Stores shared a number of new merchandise pieces that will be featured at the exhibit, with the Official Site of Gundam giving fans a look at some of the breathtaking art that will be hung as a part of the event to honor the long-running mech franchise that first began in the late 1970s:
Mobile Suit Gundam’s anime has branched off into a number of different series over the years, with the latest film, Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash, returning fans to the original universe that started it all while also introducing a new protagonist who acts as the heir apparent to both Amuro and Char. With Netflix currently working on a live-action movie that will see director Jordan Vogt-Roberts helming the project, it seems as though the mech franchise is showing no signs of stopping any time soon.
What anime exhibit do you want to see hit North America? What’s your favorite art from the Gundam universe? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Mobile Suit Gundam.